194 commits
to main
since this release
- Fixed parsing of workflow conditional statements to require parenthesis
surrounding the expression (#94). - Fixed attaching trivia to the CST before starting a node (#91).
- Fixed the CST for an unparsable file (i.e. one without a supported version)
to contain trivia before the version statement and correct spans for the
unparsed token (#89). - Fixed last trivia in the file attaching as a child to the last node in the
file instead of as a child of the root (#89). - Fixed diagnostics around encountering string member names in struct literals
(#87). - Fixed diagnostic label spans that point at strings to include the entire span
of the string (#86). - Fixed trivia in the CST so that it appears at consistent locations; also
fixed the parser diagnostics to be ordered by the start of the primary label
(#85). - Fixed a missing delimiter diagnostic to include a label for where the parser
thinks the missing delimiter might go (#84).