A backup of Everything Happens So Much, a Bitsy game available on itch.io.
So I signed up for the TwitsyBot Jam mostly because it started on my birthday, and I'd never used Bitsy, and it seemed like a fine time for both my first game jam and my first time using Bitsy. On top of that, the theme was to base your game on a Twitter bot, and who better other than the grandfather of all nonsense, @horse_ebooks?
(Let us not forget that before @horse_ebooks was revealed to have been purchased and manually run by two artists, it was a genuine ebook-hawking .... sort of.... Twitter bot. I'm pretty sure the revelation that @horse_ebooks wasn't a real bot marks the turning point of the darkest timeline.)
So yeah, this was a fun little time, I had some laughs, I hope you do too. Wander a little horse farm and bump into horses to learn their gibberish wisdom. When you're done, the exit's in the northeast.
Music credits:
"Cottages" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License