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TisQ - terminal UI for SQL databases

TisQ [tɪz-kjuː] stands for Terminal Interface for SQL Queries.

"gif recording"


  • Browse servers, databases, schemas and tables in tree view.
  • Write and execute SQL queries.
  • View query execution results in table.
  • Switch between multiple query tabs with different connections.
  • Save query editors content on exit and restore on start.
  • Customizable keybindings by config TOML file.
  • Customizable snippets expansion with a set of predefined queries.


In active development. Not ready for production use, there are no tests, incomplete error handling, program can crash on some inputs.

Database support

Only Postgres is supported at the moment and with limited set of types. If type is not yet supported, value would be displayed as not supported in a table.


With script

In bash shell run:

curl -s | bash

Tested on Linux bash and Windows Git Bash. Should work for MacOS too.

Disabling sudo

By default the script would try to install TisQ to /usr/local/bin and would require sudo rights for that, but you can disable this behavior by setting NO_SUDO environment variable:

curl -s | NO_SUDO=1 bash

Sudo is disabled by default for Windows Git Bash.

From sources

If your system/architecture is not supported by the script above, you can install Rust and install TisQ from sources:

git clone
cargo install --path ./tisq

Using Docker

You can run TisQ in Docker container:

docker run -it --rm
# or
docker run -it --rm

Note that the version in main-* tags would be from the latest commit in main branch. Builds are provided based on Debian and Alpine Linux with x86_64 and aarch64 architectures.

Under certain conditions commands above might fail like this:

thread 'main' panicked at 'Cannot initialize terminal: CannotConnectStdout'.

This seems to be an issue in docker, which does not prepare tty properly before starting the process. To bypass this issue you can add a small delay like this:

docker run -ti --rm --entrypoint sh -c 'sleep 1; exec tisq'

This issue was only noticed with Alpine so far.


Some of following keybindings are configurable and could be adjusted in configuration file that is located under home folder in .tisq/config.toml.

The format for this file could be illustrated by the following example:

# Firstly specify the section for keybindings
[keybindings.globals] # word "globals" here is a name of the keybinding config section
# Then use keybinding name as a key and list of possible key presses as a value
GlobalExit = [
    # This would allow to use Esc key without any modifiers
    { modifiers = "", key = { type = "Esc" } },
    # Or, alternatively use Ctrl+C combination, both would work
    { modifiers = "Ctrl", key = { type = "Char", args = "c" } },

In this example it is demonstrated how to specify special keys, such as Esc, using simple type = "Esc" and how characters are specified using type = "Char" with args field that contains the character.

For specifying several modifiers, you can list them separated by +, like this: modifiers = "Ctrl+Alt".


Config section: globals.

Default Keybindings Description Config name
Ctrl+c Quit GlobalExit
Esc Cancel or quit GlobalCancel
Alt+Left / Ctrl+Alt+Left Navigate Left GlobalNavigateLeft
Alt+Right / Ctrl+Alt+Right Navigate Right GlobalNavigateRight
Alt+Up / Ctrl+Alt+Up Navigate Up GlobalNavigateUp
Alt+Down / Ctrl+Alt+Down Navigate Down GlobalNavigateDown
Shift+Alt+: Open command line GlobalCommandMode

GlobalCancel is used to cancel some of operations, such as applying snippet. In case if no such operation is in progress, it would serve as a quit command.

Browser (tree view)

Config section: browser.

Default Keybindings Description Config name
a Add new server BrowserAddServer
Delete Delete server -
q Open query editor for selected database BrowserDatabaseOpenQueryEditor
Up, Down Navigate -
Right, Left Open,close node -

Query editor

Config section: editor.

Default Keybindings Description Config name
Ctrl+PageUp Previous query editor tab EditorPrevTab
Ctrl+PageDown Next query editor tab EditorNextTab
Ctrl+Alt+Enter / Ctrl+E / Ctrl+R Execute query EditorExecute
Ctrl+W Close editor tab EditorCloseTab
Ctrl+Space Attempt to expand snippet EditorTryExpand
Ctrl+/ Comment or uncomment line EditorToggleComment

Query result

Config section: result.

Default Keybindings Description Config name
Left Scroll columns to left ResultOffsetColumnLeft
Right Scroll columns to right ResultOffsetColumnRight
Up, Down Move selected line pointer -
PageUp, PageDown Move by page -


Snippets are small shortcuts that can be expanded into SQL code.

You can enter snippet shortcut and press Ctrl+Space to attempt to expand it. In case if no snippets matched, you will see a table with available snippets to choose from. Then you can use Enter key to aplly selected snippet or use GlobalCancel (defaults to Esc) to cancel selection of snippet.

Standard Postgres snippets

Shortcut Expansion
cq Current queries
ds Databases sizes
ts Tables sizes
cl Current locks

Custom snippets

You can add your own snippets to ~/.tisq/config.toml file like this:

shortcut = "kc"
description = "kill connection"
query = """
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) 
FROM pg_stat_activity 
WHERE pid =

This would add a snippet with shortcut kc that would be expanded into the query that kills connection by its process id.

If you add a snippet with shortcut that already exists, it would override the existing one.


tisq --version

Show version of TisQ and exit.

tisq --help

Show help message and exit.

tisq server add

Add new server to the list of servers in storage under ~/.tisq.

tisq server add [name] [connection-url]

Other guides and tips


  • Customizable keybindings by config TOML file
  • Save query editors content on exit and restore on start
  • Add schemas and tables to tree view
  • Add standard postgres snippets expansion
  • Display available snippets to choose from
  • status line: Show loading while executing query
  • Allow to add custom snippets
  • Show table columns in tree view
  • Optimize for queries with big results by paging
  • Add other objects to tree view (views, functions, etc)
  • Add support for more Postgres types (from )
  • Error handling: remove all unwrap() calls and anything else that can panic
  • Add support for query history
  • Limit query result size by amount of rows
  • Better limit of query result by memory size (use )
  • Syntax highlighting for query editor
  • databases: Add support for MySQL
  • databases: Add support for SQLite
  • Add support for query parameters
  • Add support for query execution plan
  • databases: Add support for MS SQL Server (via )
  • themes: Customizeable style by config TOML file
  • Customize keybindings in UI
  • web: Investigate if compatible with