SU2 version 7.3.1 "Blackbird"
3296 commits
to develop
since this release
Maintenance release with bug fixes and usability improvements.
🚀 Features
- Allow field groups in SCREEN_OUTPUT (e.g. RMS_RES like for HISTORY_OUTPUT) @pcarruscag (#1587)
- Allow different OUTPUT_WRT_FREQ for each output file @bigfooted (#1552)
- NEMO: Native Air-7 gas model implementation for inviscid flows @WallyMaier (#1555)
- Refactor SA source terms to modularize the specification of model variants and correction terms @suargi (#1413)
- Fix adjoint for streamwise periodic massflow + General handling of adjoints of additional solution variables @TobiKattmann (#1536)
- Changed time-averaging algorithm to reduce performance impact. @ChristianBauerEng (#1548)
- Output heatfluxes (total and maximum) per surface @pcarruscag (#1534)
- Streamwise Periodic restarts using flow.meta + Multizone PerSurface output @TobiKattmann (#1527)
- Integrated Heatflux for flow problems @TobiKattmann (#1530)
💊 Bug Fixes
- Fix CGNS mesh reader for multizone problems (one CGNS mesh per zone) @pcarruscag (#1566)
- Bugfix: temporary config filename @ArneVoss (#1576)
- Fix for discrete adjoint: axisymmetry + SST turbulence model @lkusch (#1571)
- Fix 2D rotational periodicity @pcarruscag (#1563)
- Fix adjoint MUSCL species bug @bigfooted (#1550)
- Fix surface output at viscous/inviscid marker intersection @pcarruscag (#1561)
- Fix Newton-Krylov for unsteady problems @pcarruscag (#1556)
- Fix supersonic inflow/outflow for turbulence and passive scalar solvers @pcarruscag (#1554)
- Fix WALL_TIME for unsteady + some variable index cleanup @pcarruscag (#1544)
🔧 Maintenance
- Fix spelling mistakes @Cristopher-Morales (#1586)
- Fix some "resource not released in destructor" warnings @pcarruscag (#1579)
- Clean air-nozzle cfg @TobiKattmann (#1578)
- Improve the configuration file for the SA Neg test case @suargi (#1559)
- Regression script for the V&V repo @pcarruscag (#1538)
- Update Xcode @jtlau (#1535)
- Specify C standard @maxaehle (#1532)
- Fixing some version numbers and dates @WallyMaier (#1526)