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Contains a lot of utilities that I use on a regular basis.


There are several tools that are installed using asdf. This enables you to easily install a different version at runtime if desired.

See the tool-versions for the default versions installed.

Other Packages

See the Dockerfile for the full list of installed packages. Some are listed here:

  • curl
  • postgresql-client
  • git
  • net-tools
  • nmap
  • dnsutils
  • mysql-client
  • vim
  • jq
  • iptables
  • openssl

Kubernetes Deployment

There is a simple deployment definition yaml file that will add this to your kube cluster for diagnosing issues inside the cluster.

Unprivileged - standard

Use this for 99% of cases, especially network and DNS troubleshooting. This deployment is safe, and will not allow excess privilege escalation or access.


Privileged - BUYER BEWARE

This image has every permission that I can think to add. This is only ever used in cases where access to the node is infeasible and I am forced to run a container to access node-level resources, including the docker socket. Please don't do this unless you really know what you're doing.
