Pipeline that receives input of multiple fastq files and returns a tsv file with expression level, Entrez ID, GO term etc for each gene.
- Python3
- Trimmomatic
- samtools
- stringtie
- mygene(python package)
- RefSeq_ID
- each_FPKM
- each_TPM
- each_Coverage
- Gene_ID
- Chromosome
- Start
- End
- Width
- Strand
- Entrez_Gene_ID
- Description
- Cellular_Component_Accession
- Cellular_Component_Name
- Molecular_Function_Accession
- Molecular_Function_Name
- Biological_Process_Accession
- Biological_Process_Name
- You have to specify either Fasta File or build completed HISAT2 index files.
- You must enter the gtf / gff file.
- You must set conf.yml in the same directory and describe the paths of Trimmomatic path and adapter path in it.
TRIMMOMATIC_PATH : /usr/local/bioinfo_tools/Trimmomatic-0.36/trimmomatic-0.36.jar
TRIM_ADAPTER_SE : /usr/local/bioinfo_tools/Trimmomatic-0.36/adapters/single_end.fa
TRIM_ADAPTER_PE : /usr/local/bioinfo_tools/Trimmomatic-0.36/adapters/paired_end.fa
- expression_analysis.py
- Process all isoforms.
- expression_analysis_longest.py
- Process the longest isoform.
- Multiple single-end · paired-end files can be received at once.
- Avaliable extensions are
. - In the case of paired-end, connect two file paths with a comma.
$ python3 expression_analysis.py --help
usage: expression_analysis [-h] [-a FASTA | -i INDEX] -g GTF [-o OUTPUT]
[-p CPU]
fastq [fastq ...]
Expression analysis pipeline created by suecharo.
positional arguments:
fastq Input all fastq file.(.fastq or .fa or .fa.gz) (single-
end=SRR000001.fq, paired-end=SRR000002_1.fq,SRR000002_2.fq)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a FASTA Input fasta file of .fa or .fasta.
-i INDEX Input HISAT2 index path.(e.g. ./hisat2-index/hg19)
-g GTF Input gtf file of hg19 or mm9.
-o OUTPUT Enter output dir.(default=./output)
-p CPU Input cpu num.(default=4)
$ python3 expression_analysis.py \
-i /home/suecharo/data/expression_analysis/hisat2_index/hg19 \
-g /home/suecharo/data/expression_analysis/hg19.gtf \
-o /home/suecharo/analysis/expression_analysis/test \
-p 20 \
/home/suecharo/data/expression_analysis/data/SRR951071/SRR951071.fastq \
- The directory of the non-sorted bam file is taken as input.
- Perhaps even if it is sorted.
$ python3 expression_analysis_bam.py --help
usage: expression_analysis_bam.py [-h] -g GTF [-o OUTPUT] [-p CPU] BAM_DIR
Expression analysis pipeline created by suecharo.
positional arguments:
BAM_DIR Input sorted bam dir.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GTF Input gtf file of hg19 or mm9.
-o OUTPUT Enter output dir.(default=./output)
-p CPU Input cpu num.(default=4)
python3 /app/pipeline/ExpressionAnalysisPipeline/expression_analysis_bam.py \
-g /data/share/reference/ensembl/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.87.v2.gtf \
-p 10 \
-o ./bam_test \