Designed the course content from simple to detailed concepts that are needed to master Ruby programming language.
Variables and Data Types:
- Variable assignment
- String, Integer, Float, Boolean data types
Control Flow:
- Conditional statements (if, else, elsif)
- Loops (while, for)
- Arrays
- Hashes
- Defining and calling methods
- Method parameters and return values
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
Modules and Mixins:
- Creating and using modules
- Mixins for code reuse
Exception Handling:
- Begin, rescue, ensure, and end blocks
File I/O:
- Reading from and writing to files
Blocks and Procs:
- Using blocks for code execution
- Procs and lambdas
- Understanding and using symbols
Regular Expressions:
- Pattern matching with regular expressions
Enumerable and Iterator Methods:
- Using methods like
on collections
- Using methods like
RubyGems and Bundler:
- Managing dependencies and packages
Ruby on Rails (optional):
- Basics of the Ruby on Rails web framework
Testing (RSpec):
- Basic understanding of testing with RSpec
Metaprogramming (Advanced):
- Dynamically generating code at runtime
Concurrency (Advanced):
- Basics of concurrent programming in Ruby
- Understanding closures and their use in Ruby
DSL (Domain-Specific Language):
- Creating and using DSLs in Ruby
- Basic debugging techniques in Ruby