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Using javafx-gradle-plugin enhances your build-script with javapackager-power. No more using Apache Ant-calls, because this gradle-plugin wraps all calls and introduces workarounds and fixes for not-yet-fixed JDK-bugs. This gradle-plugin is a convenient-wrapper for the javapackger, so you have to visit the official documentation to know about the requirements on each operating-system.

Using OpenJDK? Please make sure you have OpenJFX installed too, as the required JavaFX-parts are separated.

Using Maven? Not problem, just switch to the github-project of the javafx-maven-plugin.

Why does this gradle-plugin exist?

In the need of some equivalent of the javafx-maven-plugin just for gradle, this project was born. A lot of you might have used the javafx-gradle-plugin from Danno Ferrin, but he decided to not continue that project.


  • Gradle 2.10 and above (works on Gradle 3 too)
  • Java Developer Kit 8 with at least Update 40

OS-specific requirements

  • (Windows) EXE installers: Inno Setup
  • (Windows) MSI installers: WiX (at least version 3.7)
  • (Linux) DEB installers: dpkg-deb
  • (Linux) RPM installers: rpmbuild
  • (Mac) DMG installers: hdiutil
  • (Mac) PKG installers: pkgbuild

Example build.gradle

Please adjust your parameters accordingly:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: 'de.dynamicfiles.projects.gradle.plugins', name: 'javafx-gradle-plugin', version: '8.7.0'
    repositories {

apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

    // this dependency is only required when using UserJvmOptionsService
    // when using Oracle JDK
    // compile files("${['java.home']}/../lib/packager.jar")
    // when using OpenJFX (Ubuntu), please adjust accordingly
    // compile files("/usr/share/java/openjfx/lib/packager.jar")

apply plugin: 'javafx-gradle-plugin'

// these values are the examples and defaults
// you won't need them all

// configure javafx-gradle-plugin
// for all available settings please look at the class "JavaFXGradlePluginExtension"
jfx {
    verbose = true
    mainClass = ""
    jfxAppOutputDir = "build/jfx/app"
    jfxMainAppJarName = "project-jfx.jar"
    deployDir = "src/main/deploy"
    useEnvironmentRelativeExecutables = true
    // gradle jfxJar
    css2bin = false
    preLoader = null // String
    updateExistingJar = false
    allPermissions = false
    manifestAttributes = null // Map<String, String>
    addPackagerJar = true
    copyAdditionalAppResourcesToJar = false

    // gradle jfxNative
    identifier = null  // String - setting this for windows-bundlers makes it possible to generate upgradeable installers (using same GUID)
    vendor = "some serious business corp."
    nativeOutputDir = "build/jfx/native"
    bundler = "ALL" // set this to some specific, if your don't want all bundlers running, examples "", "jnlp", ...
    jvmProperties = null // Map<String, String>
    jvmArgs = null // List<String>
    userJvmArgs = null // Map<String, String>
    launcherArguments = null // List<String>
    nativeReleaseVersion = "1.0"
    needShortcut = false
    needMenu = false
    bundleArguments = [
        // dont bundle JRE (not recommended, but increases build-size/-speed)
        runtime: null
    appName = "project" // this is used for files below "src/main/deploy", e.g. "src/main/deploy/windows/project.ico"
    additionalBundlerResources = null // path to some additional resources for the bundlers when creating application-bundle
    additionalAppResources = null // path to some additional resources when creating application-bundle
    secondaryLaunchers = [[appName:"somethingDifferent"], [appName:"somethingDifferent2"]]
    fileAssociations = null // List<Map<String, Object>>
    noBlobSigning = false // when using bundler "jnlp", you can choose to NOT use blob signing
    customBundlers = null // List<String>
    skipNativeLauncherWorkaround205 = false
    skipNativeLauncherWorkaround124 = false
    skipNativeLauncherWorkaround167 = false
    skipJNLPRessourcePathWorkaround182 = false
    skipSigningJarFilesJNLP185 = false
    skipSizeRecalculationForJNLP185 = false
    // gradle jfxRun
    runJavaParameter = null // String
    runAppParameter = null // String

    // per default the outcome of the gradle "jarTask" will be used, set this to specify otherwise (like proguard-output)
    alternativePathToJarFile = null // String
    // to disable patching of ant-javafx.jar, set this to false
    usePatchedJFXAntLib = true
    // making it able to support absolute paths, defaults to "false" for maintaining old behaviour
    checkForAbsolutePaths = false
    // gradle jfxGenerateKeyStore
    keyStore = "src/main/deploy/keystore.jks"
    keyStoreAlias = "myalias"
    keyStorePassword = "password"
    keyPassword = null // will default to keyStorePassword
    keyStoreType = "jks"
    overwriteKeyStore = false
    certDomain = null // required
    certOrgUnit = null // defaults to "none"
    certOrg = null // required
    certState = null // required
    certCountry = null // required

Minimal setup of build.gradle

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: 'de.dynamicfiles.projects.gradle.plugins', name: 'javafx-gradle-plugin', version: '8.7.0'
    repositories {

apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

apply plugin: 'javafx-gradle-plugin'

jfx {
    // minimal requirement for jfxJar-task
    mainClass = 'full.qualified.nameOf.TheMainClass'
    // minimal requirement for jfxNative-task
    vendor = 'YourName'

Gradle Tasks

  • gradle jfxJar - Create executable JavaFX-jar
  • gradle jfxNative - Create native JavaFX-bundle (will run jfxJar first)
  • gradle jfxRun - Create the JavaFX-jar and runs it like you would do using java -jar my-project-jfx.jar, adjustable using runJavaParameter/runJavaParameter-parameter
  • gradle jfxGenerateKeyStore - Create a Java keystore
  • gradle jfxListBundlers - List all possible bundlers available on this system, use '--info' parameter for detailed information

Using SNAPSHOT-versions

When you report a bug and this got worked around, you might be able to have access to some -SNAPSHOT-version, please adjust your buildscript:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: 'de.dynamicfiles.projects.gradle.plugins', name: 'javafx-gradle-plugin', version: '8.7.0-SNAPSHOT'
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }



Please look at the examples-folder to see some projects in action.

Last Release Notes

Version 8.7.0 (09-September-2016)


  • added checkForAbsolutePaths-property to enable absolute paths for all path-properties (it defaults to false to behave like before)
  • added additionalBundlerResources for being able to have additional files available to the used bundler
  • added feature for copying additionalAppResources to build/jfx/app when calling jfxJar and jfxRun, making it possible to have all that files available (like native files being required to not reside in the jar-files) by setting copyAdditionalAppResourcesToJar = true (issue #39)


  • made it possible to specify absolute paths for all path-properties, fixes issue #36
  • reverted the idea of registering the real tasks after project-evaluation, only add ant-javafx.jar after project-evaluation (fixes issue #31)
  • adjusted CI-files for AppVeyor and TravisCI to handle functional tests
  • fixed possible file-handler leak (unreported)


  • removed the skipDaemonModeCheck-property, please remove this from your configuration/buildscript


  • implemented some functional tests, mostly using the example-projects as test-projects (running against Gradle 2.10 and Gradle 3.0)
  • added example project: windows installer with license
  • added example project: debian installer with license
  • added example project: adjusted launcher-icon
  • added example project: additional bundler-files
  • extracted plugin-version into separated file to have example-projects working at their place without having the need to adjust these version-numbers on every release
  • refactored a bit to have cleaner code

(Not yet) Release(d) Notes

upcoming Version 8.7.1 (??-oct-2016) (available as 8.7.1-SNAPSHOT)


  • updated all example-projects to use a different variable-name of the "current" plugin-version (fixes issue #40)
  • added warning about slow performance (even on SSD) when having ext4/btrfs filesystems using "deb"-bundler (fixes issue #41)
  • added warning about missing "jnlp.outfile"-property inside bundleArguments when using JNLP-bundler (from issue #42)


  • reimplemented additionalBundlerResources, now searching for folders with the name of the used bundler, makes it possible to adjust nearly all bundlers now


Gradle plugin for JavaFX







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