Welcome to Solana Pay w/ cNFT's, built by swissDAO.
If you are looking for the starter code, please visit the starter branch, this provides an in-depth walk-through of creating a store with Solana Pay and implementing cNFT's as both a receipt and coupon token.
If you are already familiar with Solana Pay and are looking for the expedited build that just focuses on the cNFT implementation, please visit the quick-start branch.
Big shout out to these guys and all of the info they put out there. This build would not have been possible with out them. Give them a follow on Twitter!
Raza - Solana Pay Build on buildspace.so (https://buildspace.so/builds/solana-pay)
Callum McIntyre - Solana Pay Build on Pointer.GG (https://www.pointer.gg/tutorials/solana-pay-irl-payments/)
Nick Frosty - Compressed NFT's on Solana repo (https://github.com/solana-developers/compressed-nfts)