This coding project is designed to showcase my ability to create full-stack applications. I spent roughly 8 hours on this project spread over 2 days.
You can create a new suggestion by filling out the form on the home page
Opening the suggestion page shows a discussion forum below the suggestion. Users can type into the available text field to add to the discussion
- Download Node.js
- download the source code
git clone [email protected]:swordensen/suggestion_box.git
- Navigate to the
directory server
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start Server
npm start
- Open a new terminal and navigate to client directory
cd client
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start Vite server
npm run dev
- Open browser to http://localhost:5173
I built this app on my windows machine. If you run into any errors using the above steps please try running the app using docker
Install Docker
Clone the repository on to your prod server
foo@bar:~$ git clone [email protected]:swordensen/suggestion_box.git
foo@bar:~$ docker compose up
Entity Relationship Diagram
USER ||--o{ SUGGESTION : hasMany
USER ||--o{ COMMENT : hasMany
This is by no means a complete list
- Better error handling/ type validation
- I added some error handling and type validation but, I know this can be improved
- More tests
- I have some unit tests on the server side of the app but, coverage is like 5%. And there are no tests on the client side
- Use State on client
- Because this app is so small, I elected to just use context hooks to manage state. If I had more time I would likely migrate state to zustand.
- Implement authentication
- The app does not handle authentication at all. Authentication is currently mocked by custom middleware on the server
- The app automatically generates a mock user and assigns it to all requests
- The app automatically seeds the database with 3 random users, 3 random suggestions per user and 3 random comments per suggestion per user
- A lot of my time was spent diagnosing an issue where node was having trouble finding bindings for sqlite3 Similar StackOverflow Post. After an hour of removing potential root causes I discovered the issue only occurred when installing sqlite with pnpm. I ended up just using npm to resolve the issue.