This is an example web application demonstrating use of JSFlow for Spring Web MVC
To get started with it, clone this repository as well as JSFlow itself and make sure you have Maven installed. From command line first build JSFlow from its directory and install it locally using
mvn install
Then from the directory for this project, issue:
mvn jetty:run
To launch the webapp in a Jetty web server instance at localhost:8080
Note that currently you will have to use Java 8 for both building JSFlow and for running this example. There are JavaDoc and servlet API incompatibilities at the moment that make these projects difficult to build and operate on later Java versions.
There are two examples. The first one is a sample checkout process at http://localhost:8080/checkout.js
that gathers a shipping and billing address with server-side input validation.
Address-gathering is implemented as a JavaScript function that simply loops until input data is valid. The main flow invokes the
function twice for both billing and shipping address. This demonstrates how you can encapsulate flows as reusable functions and express them as normal algorithms, just as you would with any program.
The second one is a "tape calculator" at http://localhost:8080/calculator.js
allowing you to perform the 4 basic arithmetic operations while keeping a history of the previous operations.
For extra fun, use a "duplicate page" (or "tab" or "window") functionality of your web browser midway through playing with any example and see how it seamlessly forks the execution of the flow! After that, use the browser back button to go back in one of the executions, then do something in the other, and see how they remain entirely independent.
For a more exhaustive tutorial walking you through the mechanics of the calculator example and explaining advanced concepts, please see the Tutorial.