An abstraction layer over the docker api client. Goal: make it simple to use containers from go.
The import path for the package is
To install it, run:
go get
import (
ci ""
ctx := context.Background()
// Create an new client
client, err := ci.New()
if err != nil{
return err
// Using `node` image for our container
dockerImage := "node"
// Initialize docker image with our given image name
image, err := client.Image(ctx, dockerImage)
if err != nil{
return err
// Commands we will be running
commands := []string{"echo","Hello World!"}
// Mount Volume Option
volume := ci.Volume("/sourcePath","/containerPath")
// Add Environment Variable Option
variable := ci.Variable("KEY","value")
// Instantiate the container with commands we will run
container, err := image.Instantiate(
// options
if err != nil{
return err
// Run container
logs, err := container.Run(ctx)
if err != nil{
return err
// Create new byte buffer
var buf bytes.Buffer
// Read logs
// Set output to the string value of the buffer
output := buf.String()
// Close the log Reader
Create a Dockerfile in a directory with any dependencies that you may need for the Dockerfile, the file must be named Dockerfile. This is case sensitive.
$ tar cvf <docker_tarball_name>.tar -C <directory>/ .
Docker expects Dockerfile and any files you need to build the container image inside a tar file.
- Using embed:
//go:embed <docker_tarball_name>.tar var tarballData []byte imageOption := containers.Build(bytes.NewBuffer(tarballData))
- Using a file:
tarball, err := os.Open("<path_to>/<docker_tarball_name.tar>") if err != nil{ return err } defer tarball.Close() imageOption := containers.Build(tarball)
Create the image with a custom image name, and the the ImageOption
- The image name must follow the convention
- All characters must be lower case
- The image name must follow the convention
import (
ci ""
// Create new docker client
client, err := ci.New()
if err != nil{
return err
// Create a context with cancel func, calling the cancel func will end the garbage collector go routine.
ctx, ctxC := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Create new garbage collector
gc.New(ctx, gc.Interval(20 * time.Second), gc.MaxAge(10 *time.Second ))
If running tests for the first time, from directory run:
cd tests
go generate
Then run
$ go test -v