This is a CLI for managing your VSCode and Go workspaces. It is designed to be used with a multi-repo workspace, and will allow you to perform operations on all repos in the workspace at once.
# Clone the repository
$ git clone
# Change directory into the repository
$ cd office-space
# Install the dependencies
$ go mod tidy
# Build the binary into your GOPATH as `asd`, this enables the command to be ran from anywhere.
$ go build -o $GOPATH/bin/asd
# Run the go install command
$ go install
# Rename the binary to `asd`
$ mv $GOPATH/bin/office-space $GOPATH/bin/asd
# Verify the binary is installed
$ which asd
# Enable your workspace by creating a `main.code-workspace` in your env["OFFICE_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY"] directory
$ asd init
$ asd <command>
# Open the go.mod of every repo in the workspace.
$ asd code go.mod
# Checkout the master branch of every repo in the workspace.
$ asd git checkout master
# Pull the latest changes from every repo in the workspace.
$ asd git pull
# Replace all workspace opened repositories. This will add all opened repositories to ``
$ asd work
# Cleans/empties the relative ``
$ asd work clean, c
# Deletes the relative ``
$ asd work delete, d
# Builds workspace `./main.code-workspace` with replaces from ``
$ asd work build, b
# Adds arg[0] to workspace and replaces `./main.code-workspace` in ``
$ asd work add, a
$ asd work add <directory>
# Removes arg[0] from workspace and removes replace for `./main.code-workspace` from ``
$ asd work remove, rm
$ asd work remove <directory>
# Removes replaces of a given package, removes from, removes from ./main.code-workspace, and updates versions throughout to latest
$ asd work update, u
# Sorts `./main.code-workspace` by name
$ asd work sort
# Looks for branches containing the provided prefix, checks out the branches, and adds the given repositories to and the main workspace
$ asd issue TP-43
# Creates a directory with the provided prefix and clones the given repositories based on your `OFFICE_GIT_PREFIX` environment key. It will also check out the branch and set the new `OFFICE_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY` as an environment variable of the new workspace.
$ asd issue-clone TP-43
Runs air and appends arguments to go test
, see: Air Config
- Add support for
to ignore changes in certain directories
# Livereload a test using air, see:
# Note: be sure you have air installed `which air` => ~/go/bin/air
# Simple Live reload of all relative tests
$ asd air
# Matcher Live reload equivalent to `go test -v --run <some-test>
$ asd air <some-test>
# Live reload of all tests below a given directory equivalent to `go test -v ./...`
$ asd air ./...
When merging PRs it has become an issue updating each version, removing replaces, etc. asd update x will do the following:
- Remove replaces of the package
- Checkout and pull master on the package
- Remove the package from the main.code-workspace file
$ go get packageName@latest
for each item in workspace and tidy$ asd work
$ asd update node
$ asd update node --dry
Required, Set it in your ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc or with $ export OFFICE_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY="path/to/package/directory"OFFICE_WORKSPACE_NAME
Defaults ".code-workspace"OFFICE_GIT_PREFIX
Prefix used for cloning repositories with issue-clone, Ex "[email protected]/taubyte"OFFICE_NO_OPEN_CODE
Set to true to disable opening vscode
Either run the following or add to .bashrc
$ eval "`asd autocomplete`"
asd revert
: Revert the last command made, this will take tracking what to do to revert each time a command is made. For example, if you just run a asd [command] that will not be possible to revert. But if you runasd work add <repository>
this could easily be reverted withasd work remove <repository>
Setting current workspace, although this will need to open a new shell.
asd ws <name>
asd ws main
Sets workspace to mainasd ws current
Sets workspace to current
- Sam Stoltenberg @skelouse