Parser Implementation not inspired by or used the standard w3c sac interfaces and classes.
Java programmers are welcome to contribute or give a design suggestion.
####Dependencies :
- commons-lang3-3.1.jar
####Implemetations :
- Supports CSS 1, 2 and 3 style properties
- Supports CSS3 keyframes
- Supports fonts
- Duplicate CSS auto removal
- Duplicate selectors with different style properties will be merged, as per the browser functionality.
- Checks for validity of each style property
- Each css selector data is treated as a separate node, can be added, copied and modified dynamically.
- Optimizing the css
- User defined node creation
####Yet to be implemented :
- KeyframeNode implementation is partial
- CSSDocument - CParser should be made as singleton
- parse() method should return CSSDocument object
- PrettyPrint - option
####Accessible Nodes:
ArrayList<KeyframeNode> keyFrames;
String toCSS()
void addCSSNode(CSSNode node)
addFontNode(FontNode node)
####Initializing the parser:
CSSDocument doc=new Parser(css).parse();