UPDATE: Please don't use this release, but use v0.26.0 instead.
This is a refresh to alpha release for Temporal. We still have a few planned breaking changes in pipeline so please do not use it for production workload.
Release Highlights
Major updates
2020-05-26 - 6b90e13 - Use Failure and FailureInfo for errors (#397)
2020-06-04 - 4e0c4e0 - Save last RetryStatus for retryable failures (#432)
2020-06-05 - 198aeb1 - Set proper timeout for workflows (#398)
2020-06-09 - ef84229 - Prefix enums with type and convert to upper case (#440)
2020-06-11 - fe378c0 - Add UNSPECIFIED to every enum (#441)
2020-06-13 - 8786f00 - Remove query consistency level from request (#452)
2020-05-26 - 2fa70b3 - Create CLI command to describe shard by id (#370)
2020-05-31 - bd7a944 - Create CLI command to describe Timer Task (#408)
2020-06-02 - 6d91826 - Create CLI command to list Cluster Memberships (#423)
2020-06-03 - 8aa47f4 - Add consistency to CLI admin command names (#427)
2020-06-04 - b16833c - Create CLI command to list Ringpop Members (#426)
2020-06-04 - d06e307 - Create CLI command to describe Replication Task (#416)
2020-06-05 - 1e7c280 - Create CLI admin command to describe Transfer Task (#412)
2020-06-08 - 1786350 - Create CLI command to list Timer, Transfer, Replication tasks (#429)
2020-06-10 - 40c0eb9 - Create CLI util for list commands (#443)
2020-06-10 - 9ed264a - Create CLI command to list Tasks from Tasklist (#433)
2020-06-11 - ff979ef - Change CLI task commands to accept string task-type (#445)
2020-06-18 - 6789325 - Add table-view support for CLI list commands (#444)
2020-06-21 - 84ee85d - Create CLI command to list replication DLQ tasks (#456)
2020-06-22 - 7e70ded - Create admin CLI command to list namespaces (#463)
2020-06-22 - 927f01c - Replace CLI options to accept enum names instead of integers (#447)
2020-06-23 - 8d3896d - Fix CLI reuse policy flag type (#473)
2020-06-25 - 955587f - Add execution filter to tasklist tasks CLI command (#462)
Minor updates
2020-05-26 - af5440b - emit domain specific metrics in task processing
2020-05-27 - dc3c78f - Align dynamic config with proto enum (#417)
2020-06-05 - d287f11 - Remove workflow timeout type (#434)
2020-06-08 - e2bfe5a - Call cancel on context to prevent memory leak (#438)
2020-06-18 - 25f7c8d - Allow for empty postgres db password (#461)
Helpful links to get you started with Temporal
Temporal Docs
Java SDK
Java Samples
Go Samples
Helm Chart
Docker images for this alpha release (use tag 0.25.0):
Server With Auto Setup
CLI (tctl)
Things we are still working on
- We are still working and cleaning some internal API contracts. So more breaking changes are coming. So please don't use this for production setup yet.
- Stress and Performance testing.