This project is an e-commerce web application developed using React + Vite, integrating Daisy UI with Tailwind CSS for an intuitive interface. It leverages various libraries and tools for seamless navigation, state management, API interaction, and additional features.
You can preview the project live on Netlify: PixelCart
React + Vite:
Utilized React with Vite for fast and efficient development. -
Daisy UI with Tailwind CSS: Integrated Daisy UI with Tailwind CSS for a visually appealing and intuitive interface.
React-router-dom: Used React-router-dom for seamless navigation within the application.
React-Redux: Managed state effectively using React-Redux for enhanced scalability and performance.
Axios: Integrated Axios for handling REST API requests, ensuring smooth data interaction with the server.
React-icons: Utilized React-icons for easy integration of icons into the application.
React-toastify: Integrated React-toastify for notifications to enhance user experience.
React-query: Leveraged react-query for efficient data fetching and caching.
API: Utilized this API for fetching data related to the application.
The following tools are used in the project
React + Vite
Tailwind CSS
🌼 daisy UI
Deploy on Netlify
Here are the steps to run on your system.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Navigate to the project directory
$ cd PixelCart-ReactJS
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm run dev
The project is previewed and deployed using Netlify.
- Email [email protected]
- Twitter @thejyotipatel