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Rexster Implementation

jbmusso edited this page Jul 12, 2016 · 11 revisions

Attention: this Wiki hosts an outdated version of the TinkerPop framework and Gremlin language documentation.


Rexster is a RESTful graph shell that exposes any Blueprints graph through a standalone HTTP server. RexsterGraph talks to a Rexster-exposed graph via the Rexster RESTful API. Thus, RexsterGraph can be used to communicate with a remote graph with complete HTTP-transparency to the user. RexsterGraph is composed of HTTP calls (through*) and JSON parsing.

Graph graph = new RexsterGraph("http://localhost:8182/graphs/tinkergraph");

NoteRexsterGraph is not meant for high-performing graph traversals. It is best suited for two things:

  1. Providing a convenient way to browse a remote graph with the Blueprints API.
  2. Exposing an easy way to issue requests to the Gremlin Extension in Rexster via the execute method defined below.

GraphFactory Settings

If using GraphFactory to instantiate a RexsterGraph, the following properties will apply:

key description
blueprints.graph com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.rexster.RexsterGraph
blueprints.rexster.url The URL of a Rexster server that RexsterGraph will connect to.
blueprints.rexster.buffer-size The buffer size that RexsterGraph uses when returning data from Rexster.
blueprints.rexster.username The username to use if Rexster is configured with security.
blueprints.rexster.password The password to use if Rexster is configured with security.

Gremlin Scripts

It is possible to execute raw Gremlin scripts through RexsterGraph by using the execute method. The execute method will always return a JSONArray of results. Using the Gremlin REPL:

gremlin> g = new RexsterGraph("http://localhost:8182/graphs/tinkergraph")
==>rexstergraph[http://localhost:8182/graphs/tinkergraph[mocktinkertransactionalgraph[vertices:6 edges:6 directory:data/graph-example-1]]]
gremlin> g.execute("g.v(1)")

It is also possible to pass variables, as a second parameter, that will be bound to the script on execution.

gremlin> g.execute("g.v(x)",[x:1])
gremlin> g.execute("g.v(x)",[x:1]).get(0).name
gremlin> g.execute("g.v(x.toArray())",'{"x":[1,2]}')
gremlin> import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject
gremlin> jsonParams = new JSONObject('{"x":[1,2]}')
gremlin> g.execute("g.v(x.toArray())",jsonParams)

Note that the Gremlin Extension must be configured in Rexster for this function to work.