This is an ios application which assists field workers in data collection for the National Children's Study.
cd ncs_navigator_field
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- Copy NUCas/NUCas.plist-sample to NUCas.plist
- Update cas.base.url, cas.retrieve.url, and cas.receive.url in NUCas.plist
- Copy NCSNavigatorField.plist-sample to NCSNavigatorField.plist
- Update ncs.core.url in NCSNavigatorField.plist
gem install cocoapods
pod setup
mkdir -p ~/.cocoapods/master/RestKit/0.9.4
cp RestKit-Custom-0.9.4.podspec ~/.cocoapods/master/RestKit/0.9.4/RestKit.podspec
pod install
- Open NCSMobile.xcworkspace and change the Pods deploy target to 5.0 (Pods Project -> Build Settings -> Deploy Target)
NCS Navigator Field currently only supports pulling data from the ncs core services stub service located in the ncs-core-stub subdirectory.
To run this you need to:
- Have a working ruby and rubygems installation
- Change directory to ncs-core-stub
cd ncs-core-stub
- Install the bundler rubygem
gem install bundler
- Install dependent gems
bundle install
- Start the NCS Core Services Stub