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bgcval2 is the updated and modernised version of BGC-val. There are several updates over the previously published version of BGCVal. The primary improvements are to the user interface, the ease of use, ease of installation, and a general modernisation of the core approach, including the move to python3, and using a conda enviroment.

This work was funded through WP1 of the Terrafirma project.

Current version notes:

  • Suported versions of Python: 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12

Environment and installation

Supported Operating Systems so far: Linux/UNIX

To install locally:

  • get the git file of this repository:
git clone
  • then grab miniconda3.
  • This can be installed using (bearing in mind that your file name may differ), and follow the on screen instructions:
  • Once you have a local version of miniconda3 installed, install mamba in the base environment:
conda install -c conda-forge mamba
  • mamba is a replacement for conda that is faster, but works exactly the same way. Ie the command “conda env” -> becomes “mamba env”. However, this step is somewhat optional. If you can’t install mamba, but have conda working, just replace “mamba” with “conda” below.

  • then create the bgcval2 environment and activate it:

cd bgcval2
mamba env create -n bgcval2 -f environment.yml
conda activate bgcval2
  • then install the development dependencies and the tool itself (note that all our dependencies are from conda-forge so there is no risk of mixing Conda and PyPI packages):
pip install -e .[develop]

Test that the tool has been installed correctly with:

analysis_compare -h

which should print the module information and instructions on how to run the tool.

On the JASMIN computational system (HPC), members of the esmeval working group should be able to run the debug analysis script:

analysis_compare -y input_yml/debug.yml

This script performs an analysis of two small physics-only UKESM development jobIDs, using the debug suite.

Keeping the code up to date

To keep the code up to date with the main branch, fetch the changes from github:

git fetch

You can merge the main branch into your local code:

git merge origin/main

If the environment.yml file has changed in the merge, you can update your conda environment with:

mamba env update -n bgcval2 -f environment.yml
pip install -e .[develop]

or delete your old environment and follow the instructions above to create a new one:

conda env remove -n ENV_NAME

Available executables

Executable name What it does Command
analysis_timeseries runs timeseries analysis for single model run. analysis_timeseries jobID key
analysis_p2p runs point to point analysis of model against observational dataset. analysis_p2p jobID YEAR
bgcval runs time series and point to point. bgcval jobID
bgcval2_make_report makes the single model HTML report. bgcval2_make_report jobID
analysis_compare runs comparison of multiple single jobs analysis_compare
batch_timeseries Submits single job time series analysis to slurm batch_timeseries

Checking out development branches

Should you want to work on several git development branches, you can switch between them, making sure they always stay up-to-date with the remote branch; right after you have checked out the bgcval2 git repository (see above) you find yourself on the main branch (the main development branch); after a while, with new updates upstream (at remote), this branch (your local main) becomes out of date with remote, so you should always update it:

git pull origin main

After you have updated it, you can now check out a new branch devel_branch from upstream, some branch that was recently pushed and you need to test or contribute to:

git fetch -v
git checkout devel_branch
git pull origin devel_branch

If you want to create your own branch, first make sure you are happy with your current code. A good tip is to start from the main branch

git checkout origin/main
git branch new_branch_name
git checkout new_branch_name

Updating an existing environment

Should you wish to update your bgcval2 environment (e.g. when dependencies have changed), we recommend deleting the old environment, and creating a brand new one from scratch. To delete the old environment just remove it from the conda tree, after you have deactivated it first:

conda deactivate
rm -rf $USER/miniconda3/envs/bgcval2

Now you can follow the steps above to (re-)create the new environment, still called bgcval2, and installing the tool inside it:

mamba env create -n bgcval2 -f environment.yml
conda activate bgcval2
pip install -e .[develop]

Creating multiple environments from different branches

Should you need to have multiple environments, each with a different installation of bgcval2 (e.g when working with different development branches), you can simply create them like instructed above, with the only difference that the environments must have relevant and differing names. An example: you are working on a branch called bgcval2_some-feature and would like to test it in a bespoke environment, you can create it:

mamba env create -n bgcval2_some-feature -f environment.yml
conda activate bgcval2_some-feature

then pip-install the tool there, and on you go with testing. This environment exists in parallel with the main feature bgcval2 environment, and you can toggle between them with conda deactivate current env, then conda activate any other environment.

NOTE: You don't need to create new environments in parallel if you just want to test a new branch; after checking out the new branch you can test it immediately, while still in the bgcval2 environment, since pip install . is a local installation that uses the local bgcval2/ repository (it doesn't move installed scripts in such locations as /opt or /lib)

Saving and committing local changes

If you made changes to the code, and you want to bring in the latest remote changes (via git pull), you have two options:

  • either commit your changes to the remote branch and then push your branch back to github (origin):
 git commit your-changed-code -m "commit message"
 git push origin your_branch
  • or, save your changes elsewhere (in a directory that is not under bgcval2's git control), and run git stash to bring your repository to the state of the latest pull from remote (at the HEAD of the latest pushed commit)

Either way you go, please make sure your changes are either committed, or saved and stashed for a later commit!

Running the tool to compare multiple jobs

The time developmenmt of several models can be compared and summarized in a single comparison report html. This report can be generated with a single command, based on a simple yml file input:

analysis_compare --compare_yml comparison_recipe.yml

Example input yaml files exist in the input_yml directory. However, there are a few key values:

In this yml file, the structure is:

name: <Analysis name string>
do_analysis_timeseries: <bool>
do_mass_download: <bool>
master_suites: <str>
auto_download: <bool>
strictFileCheck: <bool>
dpi: <int>
savepdf: <bool>
savejson: <bool>

      description: <descrption of the first job>
      label: 'Job info'
      colour: red
      thickness: 0.7
      linestyle: '-'
      shifttime: 0.
      suite: physics
      auto_download: False

      description: <descrption of the second job>

These values are:

  • name:

    • The name of the analysis.
    • This will be the path of output report.
  • do_analysis_timeseries:

    • A Boolean value to run or skip the single model timeseries.
    • Set to False if the single model analysis has already completed.
    • This value is overwritten by the analysis_compare -s which skips new timeseries analyses.
  • do_mass_download:

    • A boolean value to run the mass download.
    • This is not currently possible as we can only download mass file from mass-cli1 on jasmin.
    • See below for details on how to download jobs data.
  • master_suites:

    • A list of the type of analysis report to produce.
    • Options are: physics, bio, debug.
    • Default is ['physics', 'bio',].
  • auto_download:

    • If True, adds the jobID to a list of paths which will download automatically over night
    • The script it renewed every time that the analysis_compare is run.
    • If the job is not run, older jobs are removed from the nightly download after some time.
    • This boolean flag can be set at the top level or for individual jobs.
    • Please set it to false if your job has completed and all relevant has been downloaded.
  • strictFileCheck:

    • A boolean which when True will raise an error if input model files are missing.
    • Default is True, set to False to skip this check.
  • dpi:

    • The resolution in dots per inch (dpi) of the output image.
    • dpi=100 is fine for most purposes but 300 is needed for highres posters/publications.
    • If set to None, then the dpi will be set to your default value.
  • savepdf:

    • Output the image as a pdf in addition to the standard png.
    • This doesn't replace the image in the report, but saves a pdf version of the image in the images directory.
    • The pdfs will be web-visible in the report image directory, but will not linked in the html.
    • To view a pdf from a report, simply click the image, and replace the png extension with pdf in the browser path.
  • safejson:

    • Outputs the data and plotting details of each timeseries plot as a json file.
    • json is a human readable format that is similar to a python dictionary or a shelve file.
    • This file includes all data, time values, units, and line colors, thicknesses and styles.
  • jobs:

    • A list of jobIDs, and some options on how they will appear in the final report.
    • The options are:
      • description:
        • A description of job, which helps people differentiate the jobs in the final report.
      • label:
        • A short description of the job which will appear in the plot legend.
        • If you make it too long, it won't fit on the plot.
        • Optional: Default behaviour is the jobID.
      • colour:
        • The colour of this jobs line in the report plots.
        • Default colour is a randomly generated hex colour.
      • thickness:
        • The thickness of this jobs line in the report plots.
        • default is 0.7
      • linestyle:
        • The linestyle of this jobs line in the report plots.
        • Accepts typical matplotlib line styles: 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dashdot', '-'. ';', ', etc
        • default is -'
      • shiftime:
        • A number in whole years by which the jobs line is shifted.
        • this is useful if jobs start from different initial years in spin up, for instance.
        • Default is 0. ( no time shift ).
      • suite:
        • One or more analysis suites to run the analysis_timeseries.
        • Options include: bgc (biogeochemistry), kmf (key metrics first), physics, level1.
        • See analysis_timeseries for more details, below.

A sample yaml exists in input_yml/comparison_analysis_template.yml, which can be adapted to additional analyses.

In order to only run the report making part of the comparison analysis (skip the analysis_timeseries part), either set the do_analysis_timeseries key to False in the input_yml file, or run analysis_compare with the command line argument: -s or --skip-timeseries. To skip the analysis timeseries command, use --no-skip-timeseries. Though without without either of these command line arguments, bgcval2 will default to the value in your input_yml file. Also, the command line argument overwrites the value in input_yml.

Once the comparison suite has been run, members of the esmeval group workspace on JASMIN can copy the html report to a web-visible directory, using the script:


then the report will appear on the JASMIN public facing page, which is public facing but password protected.

Information about the json output:

The savejson flag allows bgcval2 to output all data from the multi-model plots to json. Json files are effectively python dictionaries that are saved as human readable ASCII files. This means that they can contain a lot more metadata than a simple csv file. It also means that it's easier to deal with multiple datasets with different time ranges.

So, in these files, everything is saved as a series of dictionaries, and the main ones are:

  • timesD: The time value (in decimal years)
  • arrD: The data value.

There's also a lot of info used to make the bgcavl2 plots, including

  • colours: the colour used by bgcval2 for each jobid
  • linestyle: the plot line style for each job id
  • label: the plot lable for each jobid

Each of these dictionaries uses the jobID as the index, so in python, these can be plotted using the code:

import json
from matplotlib import pyplot

json_file = 'filename.json'
with open(json_file) as json_file:
    amoc_data = json.load(json_file)

for jobID in sorted(amoc_data['timesD'].keys()):
    times = amoc_data['timesD'][jobID]
    amoc = amoc_data['arrD'][jobID]
    colour = amoc_data['colours'][jobID]
    pyplot.plot(times, amoc, c=colour, label=jobID)

Batch times series Analysis

The batch_timeseries tool can take an analysis_compare input yaml file, and instead of running the time series analysis for each job on the interactive shell terminal in series, it uses slurm to submit each job as an independent job.

On jasmin, users can run up to five jobs simulataneously, so this can singnificantly boost the speed of the analysis.

The command to run it is:

batch_timeseries - y comparison_recipe.yml

This will submit a time-series analysis for each job, using a command which looks like this:

sbatch -J jobID --error=logs/jobID .err --output=logs/jobID .out jobID  kmf physics bgc

The output and error messages will be in the logs directory with the jobID as the file prefix. The job name on slurm will also be the jobID, so it's easy to tell which jobs are running. The analysis suites will be appended as a list to the end of the command. In order to reduce the chance of analysing the same jobID twice, batch_timeseries checks whether a job exists, either currently running or in the queue before submitting. If a jobID exists, it is not re-submitted. However, this means that if two versions of the same jobID are submitted one after the other with different suite lists (kmf, physics, bgc), then only the first set of suites will be run.

There is also an optional flag -d or --dry_run to test batch_timeseries, which outputs the submission command to screen but does not submit the jobs.

Note that this task does not run the analysis_compare suite so it will not generate the html report. However, the html report can be generated more quickly with the -s argument to skip the analysis_timeseries section described above.

In addition, note that this will not run the download_from_mass script, so jobs added here will not be included in the automated download. However, these jobs are added for automated download when analysis_compare is used.

Downloading data using MASS

UKESM jobs on JASMIN automatically download data from Mass. The analysis_compare tool creates a script in the mass_scripts directory. This script is copied to a shared directory in the shared ukesm/terrafirma diskspace:


A crontab job is set up to execute these scripts overnight on mass-cli1, but only executes scripts that are younger than 30 days. This prevents older jobs from being run after they are no longer needed. Very old scripts are automatically deleted. The crontab script is:


Note that cron executes this script with the ldemora username, so permissions may need to be changed in some cases. The output log for this script is sent to the file:


In the case that data is needed immediately, it's posiible to download manually as well. Data can be downloaded and prepared for analysis using the download_from_mass bgcval2 tool, with the command:

download_from_mass -j jobIDs

where jobIDs is one or more jobIDs.

This script will only work on JASMIN's mass-cli1 machine, which is set up to interact with the Met Office Storate System MASS.

The optional flag --dry-run skips the download part of the script, and generates a script in the bgcval2/mass_scripts directory. From there, users can ssh to mass-cli1 and execute this script:

# from, ssh to the mass machine:
ssh -X  mass-cli1

# run script with:
source /path/to/bgcval2/is/here/bgcval2/mass_scripts/

Alternatively, the whole download_from_mass tool could be executed on the mass-cli1 machine.

Several different keys can be included in the download if monthly data is required. However, it's not recommended to include monthly data at this stage as that code both to download, but also to run the monthly analysis is not currently tested.

This tool downloads the data, but also includes several functions which create symbolic links in the data's directory in order to accomodate incompatible changes in NEMO's output formatting.

Please consult the command help for more details:

download_from_mass -h

Running the tool for a single job

The multi-job analysis described above can only do timeseries analysis. To run an in-depth analysis of a single job, the following command can be run:

bgcval2 -j jobID

This will run a time series analysis, a point to point analysis, and publish the reports into a single job html5 report.

Alternatively, these tasks can be invoked individually, e.g.:

analysis_timeseries --jobID u-bc179 --keys kmf level1
analysis_p2p u-bc179 level2 2010
bgcval2_make_report u-bc179 2010

This produces an html5 mobile-friendly website which can be opened using your browser of choice.

Time series analysis

This is an analysis that investigates the time development of specific marine physics and Biogeochemistry fields in the given model, and then compares them against historical observations.

The command to run it is analysis_timeseries --jobID jobID --keys suites, where jobID is one or more mass jobIDs, such a u-ab123. The suite is one or more pre-defined suites, which is a yaml file of list of variables.

Suite What it is Description
kmf Key Metrics First A short and quick list of the most important metrics.
physics Physics A comprehensive list of physical metrics.
bgc Biogeochemistry A comprehensive list of biogeochemical metrics.
alkalinity Alkalininty & CO2 A list of alkalininty, pH, DIC, and pCO2 metrics.
level1 Level 1 A comprehensive list of physical and biogeochemical metrics.
debug Debug A very short list of a couple keys to test code changes.
fast UKESM1-fast A list of metrics tailored to the UKESM1-Fast model.

Note that there may be some overlap between the contents of these suites.

These suites are defined in the bgcval2 directory, key_lists. To create a new user defined suite, the file must be present there as a yaml and must be named with all-lower-case letters.

The contents of the suite is a list of keys. Each key in the suite much have an associated yaml file in the key_files directory. These files define how bgcval2 locates and interacts with model and observational data. The values in these files depend on the analysis but includes:

name: Analysis_Name
units: Units
dimensions: 1,2 or  3 # The number of dimensions after the calculations are performed
layers          : Surface
regions         : Global ignoreInlandSeas SouthernOcean ArcticOcean Equator10 Remainder NorthernSubpolarAtlantic NorthernSubpolarPacific
smoothings      : DataOnly both5 both30 movingav30years 5and30 30and100

modelFiles      : $BASEDIR_MODEL/$JOBID/nemo_$JOBIDo_1y_*
dataFile        : $BASEDIR_OBS/WOA/annual/
gridFile        : $PATHS_GRIDFILE

# model details
model: Model_name
model_vars      : thetao_con
model_convert   : NoChange

# Observational Data coordinates names
datasource      : WOA
data_vars       : t_an
data_convert    : NoChange
data_tdict      : ZeroToZero

Certain key fields in paths can be replaced with another value, allowing more flexibility of inputs. For instance, if the path includes the username, then $USER will be replaced by the users name. These fields include:

  • $JOBID
  • $USER
  • $YEAR
  • $MODEL

In addition, some paths from the can also be used:

  • basedir_model: The path to the model base directory, defined in Paths.paths
  • basedir_obs: he path to the observations base directory, defined in Paths.paths
  • PATHS_GRIDFILE: The path to the gridfile, defined in Paths.paths
  • PATHs_BGCVAL2: the path to the bgcval2 repository directory.

A convert dictionary can be given to each model or observation data in the yml:

    function: custom_function
    path: path/to/custom/
    kwarg_1: 5.
    kwarg_2: yellow

For instance, this example applies the function custom_function which is in the path/to/custom/ file, and gives it two key word arguments. Several example functions exists in bgcval2/functions which may be useful for how to write your own.

Simiarly, the bgcval2/functions/ contains several basic functions such as multiply by or add to, or noChange, which can all be called without providing the path, and which may have their own key word arguments.

Some of the other options for each analysis include:

  • layers:
    • The z axis layers that you want to use.
    • Typically include things like Surface, 500m, 1000m etc.
    • Note that this is a pre-curated list, so you can't use it to select a specific depth (like 327m or something)
  • regions:
    • A list of regions to investigate.
    • This is a pre-curated list, and they are defined in so you can't.
    • These regions are defined in the file bgcval2/bgcvaltools/
  • smoothings: - This is the smoothing function (if any) to apply to the data before plotting it. - The smoothing it added before plotting, but after saving the shelve file, so it doesn't impact the data. - No smoothing is DataOnly, which is also the default behaviour. - If several smoothing options are added here, bgcval2 will generate a comparison plot for each one. - The smoothings are defined and performed in bgcval2/timeseries/ - Other modes exist:
    • movingav30years: A 30 year moving average
    • both5: Both no smoothing and a 5 year moving average
    • both30: Both no smoothing and a 30 year moving average
    • 5and30: a 5 year moving average and a 30 year moving average.

Clearing the Cache

In order to produce a comparison report, bgcval2 first generates the comparison images, then populates the report using all images in the reports path. This means that older images may appear in new reports, even if they were removed from the input yamls. If you want to "clear the cache", these images need to be deleted.

The key place to clear is set by default on jasmin to be:


where $USER is your jasmin user name and $NAME is the name given to this analysis in your input_yml file. This is where the comparison plots are stored.

From there, these plots are copied to


This is where the report is generated.

The third place that these plots are kept is on the public facing jasmin directory:


This is where the report is hosted.

Point to point analysis


This is an analysis that compares a specific year of the model against several climatological datasets, and produces comparison maps, histograms and scatter plots.

The command to run it is analysis_p2p -j JOBID -y YEAR -k key_list, where jobID is a unique model run identifier, such a u-ab123. The YEAR is the single year to investigate and the key is a pre-defined key, which generates a list of variables.

Key What it is Description
physics_p2p Physics A short list of physical metrics for p2p analysis.

Single Model report


Once an analysis has run, either time series or point to point, a report can be generated from this output, using the command:

bgcval2_make_report jobID year

This generates an HTML5 mobile-friendlyt report, summarising the output of a single model run.

Running a job on JASMIN's batch system, LOTUS

Instead of running these jobs interactively on the command line, it is possible to submit them as batch jobs to JASMIN's LOTUS machine. See the LOTUS documentation here.

To submit a job, make a copy of the file:

rsync -av lotus_bgcval2_$

From there, you'll need to edit your copy of the file lotus_bgcval2_$

In this file, you'll need to edit the following bash objects:

  1. CONDA_ENV: The bgcavl2 conda environment (default is bgcval2)
  2. BGCVAL2_PATH: The path to your bgcval2 directory (default is ~/bgcval2)
  3. BGCVAL2_SUITE: Your yml comparison suite file. (no default)

You may also need to edit the job time limit, at the top of the file. The default it set to 6 hours.

Once that is done, the script is submitted to LOTUS with:

sbatch  lotus_bgcval2_$

You can monitor your script in the queue with:

squeue | grep $USER

You will also see a couple log files appear which will allow you to follow the output of the process. If you wish to send to to a specific path, you may edit the lines at the top of lotus_bgcval2_$

#SBATCH -o log_bgcval2_%J.out
#SBATCH -e log_bgcval3_%J.err



See available Sphinx documentation. To build locally the documentation run:

sphinx-build -Ea doc doc/build


Python2 to Python3 Migration

Migration from the orginal BGCVal code, which was Python2, has been done with the 2to3 tool:

  • Install 2to3 package:
pip install 2to3
  • Usage: use the 3.9 extension and write to disk option:
2to3-3.9 -w

Remove the backup .py.bak files or stash them.

View html output pages straight into GitHub

Github renders html straight into the browser, with source being any given index.html. For that, one needs to prepend the before the http address of the index.html, example: