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Minecraft Telegram Bridge

A feature-rich multiloader mod to sync Telegram and Minecraft chats


Quick start

  1. Download and install the latest release for your loader from the Modrinth page:
  2. Start the server
  3. Follow the instructions in the generated config file located at config/tgbridge/config.yml (plugins/tgbridge/config.yml for Paper)
  4. Restart the server (currently restart is required when changing botToken)
  5. The bot should work now
  6. You can look through the config file and change the settings however you like. Use /tgbridge reload to reload the config.


  • Supports most of Telegram messages
  • Supports achievements & death messages from any mod out of the box
  • Supports Telegram topics (bot will work only in its dedicated topic)
  • /list command in Telegram will print the list of currently online players
  • If you don't want every Minecraft message to be forwarded, you can set the messages.requirePrefixInMinecraft option to your desired prefix (for example !). Only messages starting with that prefix will be forwarded.
  • If you do want every message to be forwarded, but don't like that tons of messages are sent in the Telegram chat, you can set the messages.mergeWindow option to some value (for example, 60). Messages subsequently send within this interval will be merged into one.
  • If some of your players have connection problems, you can set the events.leaveJoinMergeWindow option to some value (for example, 120). If a player leaves and then joins within this amount of seconds, leave and join messages will be deleted from Telegram.
  • You can customize which event messages are sent to Telegram under the events config section

Using other languages for bot messages

This mod uses 2 language files: lang.yml for bot's own translation strings and minecraft_lang.json for Minecraft translations. It's a bit hard to use another language due to the fact that the minecraft server installation only supports English language.

You can download lang.yml for other languages from the translations directory of this repository.

By default minecraft_lang.json doesn't exist and the bot will use the default English translations provided by the server. If you want to use another language, you need to install this mod on the client, change the language to the desired one and execute the /tgbridge dump_lang command. It will create this file in the mod configuration directory. You can then copy it to the server. The generated file will include translations for all currently installed mods, so if you add a new mod, you'll need to generate the language again.

Server or client?

This mod will only work on dedicated server. When installed on the client, the main logic won't load. However, it will provide a /tgbridge dump_lang command to dump minecraft translations to the current language.


Most/all messages aren't forwarded from Telegram to Minecraft, but everything else works

Make sure you disabled group privacy setting in BotFather. After changing it, delete and re-add the bot to the group. Alternatively, make the bot a group admin.

I get "Conflict: terminated by other getUpdates request; make sure that only one bot instance is running" error

Make sure that there is only one server running with that bot token. You can't use one bot for multiple servers due to Bot API limitations


Currently there are no known incompatibilities. Please report if you find any.

This mod has integrations with the following mods/plugins:


Here's how you can help:

  • Open an issue to suggest improvements or report bugs
  • Look for issues labeled "help wanted" if you want to contribute code
  • Before working on a pull request, please discuss your proposed changes in an issue first - this helps avoid duplicate work and ensures your contribution aligns with the project's goals


This project is inspired by these projects: