This is the sample test project to demonstrate the Automation of WebApplications/WebSites using Selenium. The website used in the project is "" although the approach taken can be used to validate amazon website of other Locales as well Like India, Australia, USA, Canada etc.
#Getting Started
Clone the project, all the dependent jars has been attaches with the project itself
#Running the tests
Go to and set desired browser[Chrome/Firefox] and set the amazon locale in the URL parmeter, Go to package to run the desired Testcases Run as junit Application to run the desired testcases
Given Project tests the Basic Amazon functionalities and its core components like website launch, Selection of Categories (Parameterized) as per the requirement. Making search and getting results and its other information like Price, Delivery Expected date etc as Assert as per the requirement of the TestScope and Test Matrix
#Coding Style and Tests
Used Open Source Junit Framework based on POM model for the automation. Current support is for both chrome and IE( that can be parameterized in Using POM and Pagefactories enables the Framework to accomodate the changes in locators while keeping the functional components undisturbed. Components are generic and can be used as per the requirement of the testcases. Tests has/can been coded to cover the core functionalities and print its result in the o/p TestResults.xlsx , that serves as the reporting for the end user.
#Build With Framework Used: Junit Model of Framework: Page object Model Reporting Medium: TestResults.xlsx
#Author Prakhar Verma