Swift CSV Export is lightweight & rich features framework and it helpful to create, read and write CSV files in simple way. It supports both Objective-C and Swift projects.
- Support swift 4, 4.2 and 5 and latest Xcode(12)
- Able to give CSV file name, headers and rows using property keys.
- Able to convert JSON string into CSV.
- Able to Read the CSV file and convert to NSDictionary.
- Enable/Disable strict validation while write CSV file.
- Able to Read the CSV file and convert to CSV class(Object Oriented Approach).
- Support CocoaPods, mac OS and Vapor framework(Swift Package Manager).
- Able to encoding CSV based on String.Encoding Type(utf8, ascii, unicode, utf16, etc) Refer: String.Encoding.
- Able to view the exported CSV documents in iOS Files app by enabling the configuration in your project.
- Handled the punctuation(\n, \t, \t, and ,) characters in CSV file.
Supported swift 4, 4.2 and 5 and latest Xcode
pod 'SwiftCSVExport' , '= 2.0.2' // Swift 4
pod 'SwiftCSVExport' , '= 2.0.3' // Swift 4.2
pod 'SwiftCSVExport' , '= 2.3.0' // Swift 5
pod 'SwiftCSVExport' , '= 2.6.0' // Latest Xcode 12
First thing is to import the framework. See the Installation instructions on how to add the framework to your project.
Refer iOS Examples:Here. Refer Mac Examples:Here.
//iOS - Objective-C
@import SwiftCSVExport;
//iOS - Swift
import SwiftCSVExport
//macOS - Old swift version < 4
import SwiftCSVExportOSX
//macOS - New swift version > 4
import SwiftCSVExport
- Add following keys in your project .plist file to view CSV exported CSV documents in iOS Files app.
Bundle display name - "APPLICATION NAME"
Application requires iPhone environment - YES
Supports opening documents in place - YES
Application supports iTunes file sharing - YES
// First User Object
NSMutableDictionary *user1 = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[user1 setValue:@"vignesh" forKey:@"name" ];
[user1 setValue:@"vigneshuvi@gmail.com" forKey: @"email"];
// Secound User Object
NSMutableDictionary *user2 = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[user2 setValue:@"vinoth" forKey:@"name" ];
[user2 setValue:@"vigneshuvi@gmail.com" forKey: @"email"];
// CSV fields Array
NSMutableArray *fields = [NSMutableArray new];
[fields addObject:@"name"];
[fields addObject:@"email"];
// CSV rows Array
NSMutableArray *data = [NSMutableArray new];
[data addObject:user1];
[data addObject:user2];
NSString *userpath = [[CSVExport export] exportCSV:@"userlist1" fields:fields values:data];
NSString *namepath = [[CSVExport export] exportCSV:@"userlist1" fields:@[@"name", @"email"] values:data];
// Able to convert JSON string into CSV.
NSString *string = @"[{\"name\":\"vignesh\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"},{\"name\":\"vinoth\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"}]";
NSString *filePath = [[CSVExport export] exportCSVString:@"userlist1"fields:fields values:string];
// First User Object
let user1:NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
user1.setObject(107, forKey: "userid" as NSCopying);
user1.setObject("vignesh", forKey: "name" as NSCopying);
user1.setObject("[email protected]", forKey: "email" as NSCopying);
user1.setObject(true, forKey:"isValidUser" as NSCopying)
user1.setObject("Hi 'Vignesh!' \nhow are you? \t Shall we meet tomorrow? \r Thanks ", forKey: "message" as NSCopying);
user1.setObject(571.05, forKey: "balance" as NSCopying);
// Secound User Object
let user2:NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
user2.setObject(108, forKey: "userid" as NSCopying);
user2.setObject("vinoth", forKey: "name" as NSCopying);
user2.setObject(false, forKey:"isValidUser" as NSCopying)
user2.setObject("[email protected]", forKey: "email" as NSCopying);
user2.setObject("Hi 'Vinoth!', \nHow are you? \t Shall we meet tomorrow? \r Thanks ", forKey: "message" as NSCopying);
user2.setObject(567.50, forKey: "balance" as NSCopying);
// Add fields into columns of CSV headers
let header = ["userid", "name", "email", "message", "isValidUser","balance"]
// Add dictionary into rows of CSV Array
let data:NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
// Create a object for write CSV
let writeCSVObj = CSV()
writeCSVObj.rows = data
writeCSVObj.delimiter = DividerType.comma.rawValue
writeCSVObj.fields = header as NSArray
writeCSVObj.name = "userlist"
// Write File using CSV class object
let result = exportCSV(writeCSVObj);
if result.isSuccess {
guard let filePath = result.value else {
print("Export Error: \(String(describing: result.value))")
self.testWithFilePath(filePath, rowCount: data.count, columnCount: header.count)
print("File Path: \(filePath)")
// Read File and convert as CSV class object
let readCSVObj = readCSVObject(filePath);
// Use 'SwiftLoggly' pod framework to print the Dictionary
loggly(LogType.Info, text: readCSVObj.name)
} else {
print("Export Error: \(String(describing: result.value))")
File Path: xxxxxx/xxxxxxx/Documents/Exports/userlist.csv
107, "vignesh", "[email protected]", "Hi 'Vignesh!' \nhow are you? \t Shall we meet tomorrow? \r Thanks ", 1, 571.05
108, "vinoth", "[email protected]", "Hi 'Vinoth!', \nHow are you? \t Shall we meet tomorrow? \r Thanks ", 0, 567.5
109, "John", "[email protected]", "Hi 'John!' \nHow are you? \t Shall we meet tomorrow? \r Thanks ", 1, 105.41
[๐ Info - Jan 2, 2018, 4:52:28 PM]: userlist.csv
// Enable Strict Validation
CSVExport.export.enableStrictValidation = true
// Able to convert JSON string into CSV.
let string = "[{\"name\":\"vignesh\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"},{\"name\":\"vinoth\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"}]";
// Write File using CSV class object
let result1 = exportCSV("userlist", fields:["userid","name","email"], values:string);
XCTAssertEqual(false, result1.isSuccess)
if result1.isSuccess {
guard let filePath = result1.value else {
print("Export Error: \(String(describing: result1.value))")
print("File Path: \(filePath)")
} else {
print("Export Error: \(String(describing: result1.value))")
Export Error: Optional("Expected 3 columns, But Parsed 2 columns on row 1")
// Read File
let fileDetails = readCSV(filePath);
// Use 'SwiftLoggly' pod framework to print the Dictionary
if fileDetails.allKeys.count > 0 {
loggly(LogType.Info, dictionary: fileDetails)
[๐ Info - Jan 2, 2018, 4:52:21 PM]: {
"fields" : [
"rows" : [
"email" : "\"[email protected]\"",
"message" : "\"Hi 'Vignesh!' \\nhow are you? \\t Shall we meet tomorrow? \\r Thanks \"",
"userid" : 107,
"name" : "\"vignesh\"",
"isValidUser" : 1,
"balance" : 571.05
"email" : "\"[email protected]\"",
"message" : "\"Hi 'Vinoth!', \\nHow are you? \\t Shall we meet tomorrow? \\r Thanks \"",
"userid" : 108,
"name" : "\"vinoth\"",
"isValidUser" : 0,
"balance" : 567.5
"email" : "\"[email protected]\"",
"message" : "\"Hi 'John!' \\nHow are you? \\t Shall we meet tomorrow? \\r Thanks \"",
"userid" : 109,
"name" : "\"John\"",
"isValidUser" : 1,
"balance" : 105.41
"name" : "userlist.csv",
"divider" : ","
That will create a CSV file in the proper directory on both OS X and iOS.
OS X CSV files will be created in the OS X Exports directory (found under: /Library/Exports). The iOS CSV files will be created in your apps document directory under a folder called Exports.
There are a few configurable options in SwiftCSVExport.
//Set the name of the csv file
CSVExport.export.fileName = "Sample" //default is "csvfile"
//Set the directory in which the csv files will be written
CSVExport.export.directory = "/Library/XXX-folder-name-XXX" //default is the standard exporting directory for each platform.
// Able to set strict validation while create a new CSV file.
CSVExport.export.enableStrictValidation = true
Check out Get Started tab on cocoapods.org.
To use SwiftCSVExport in your project add the following 'Podfile' to your project
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'SwiftCSVExport'
Then run:
pod install || pod update
To use SwiftCSVExport in your project create/update 'Cartfile.private' file into your project
// Require version 2.x
github "vigneshuvi/SwiftCSVExport"
Then run:
carthage update
You need to add to dependencies in your 'Package.swift' and fetch Swift module using terminal comment.
// Vapor
dependencies: [ .Package(url: "https://github.com/vigneshuvi/SwiftCSVExport.git", majorVersion: 2, minor: 0) ],
Then run:
vapor build || vapor xcode
// Importing header
import SwiftCSVExport
SwiftCSVExport is licensed under the MIT License.