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Releases: vizzuhq/vizzu-lib


13 Sep 11:00
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  • Legend title bottomPadding extended.
  • ColorGradient fromString not increasing position prohibited.
  • Fix alpha settings to linear by default:
    • Axis: line, title, labels, guides, interlacing, ticks
    • Legend: title, dimension markers, measure extrema labels
    • Marker: line with connections
  • Fix negative ranges on x, y, color (measure) and lightness.
  • Fix axis step parameter if not match with the range sign (neg/pos).
  • Fix axis interpolation. From now the axis and axis labels are following the markers.
  • Fix measure axis labels when the range started after the 2000th step value from origo.
  • Remove marker labels at intermediate steps.
  • Fix single value range interpolation and show.


  • New style parameter for the legend scrolling.
  • Remove background settings for all text, including title, subtitle and caption.


22 Aug 12:31
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  • Area charts with data series started with zero: tooltip fixed.
  • Series whose contained ',' and aggregated were not working properly.
  • Dimension columns with non-existent values aggregation was undefined.


29 Jul 14:16
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  • Make some static charts clearer:
    • Area/line charts different markers are not connected.
    • Not existing or disabled markers have no effect.
  • Make some transactions clearer:
    • Rectangle - Line/Area first marker not fades, but shrinks.
    • The first marker's alpha was different to the other marker's alpha.
    • Marker connection rework: Introduce invalid, polar and self connection.
    • Marker connection animation step necessity and timing fixes.
    • Slipped animation steps (coordinateSystem - connection/orientation) fixes.
    • Filtered markers (and their connections):
      • Disappearing on hide animation phase.
      • Appearing on show animation phase.


  • New data handling implemented:
    • Only existing data generates the chart.
    • Reduced memory usage.
    • Bigger data capacity.
  • Canvas line drawing detail can be set (on C++ side).


09 Jul 14:33
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  • Add default no rectangle spacing on heatmap and coxcomb.
  • Crash fix on special (meas-meas) area bar mekko charts.


27 Jun 15:22
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  • Change bubblechart behavior on failure.
  • Fix reference markers on bubblechart with negative values.
  • From now lightness channel goes from light (low value) to dark (high value) colors.


18 Jun 15:58
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  • Only dimension on size (+ color) wrongly displayed as treemap, not tablechart.
  • Allocated memory is immediately freed after calling detach(), CAnimation and Snapshot
    also can be released using their new free() method.
  • Canvas pointer event handlers registered as passive.


31 May 12:16
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  • Remove hardly visible dimension axis guides between animation steps.
  • Do not calculate disabled markers to the color normalization.
  • More precise TS type for transform matrix in event handlers.
  • Add missing canvas change function in htmlcanvas plugin.
  • On split charts the first range was not part of the separation calculation.
  • When the first marker was disabled it was calculated as an enabled marker on the XY normalization.
  • Sorted or reversed marker connections behaved chaotic at coordinate system change.


23 May 09:32
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  • next() can be called multiple times from Plugin hooks
  • Fixed nan handling on non-axis charts.
  • Line and circle chats with only dimensions on x, and y axes the markers were off the axis labels.
  • Crash on TreeMap only with negative values
  • On dimension axis where no marker, print the dimension name as default title.
  • On measure axis with specified channel min-max where no marker, print the labels.
  • Legend markers are not flickering on same data.
  • From now legend appears/disappears linear time.
  • Axis labels are not animated to a different axis label.
  • Dimension axis density on sorted values was wrongly calculated.
  • Tooltip with 'seriesName' does not rewrite first series data.
  • Handle as different category the empty string and the missing value.
  • On chart resize, the font size is recalculated.
  • Dim-Dim on x-y shows separated rectangles.


  • New plugins and plugin hooks introduced:
    • plugin: scheduler - plugin resposible for scheduling the rendering
    • plugin: clock - supplying the current time for the animation
    • plugin: canvasRenderer - plugin for rendering the chart on a htmlcanvas compatible canvas
    • hook: start - hook for starting the rendering loop
    • hook: render - hook for rendering the chart
  • Chart generation performance optimization: ~3x speed
  • Maximum marker limit increased: ~2x count
  • Reduced wasm binary size: ~3%


12 Mar 11:47
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  • Updated type-fest dependency version to 4.12.0


11 Mar 13:48
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  • Json serializer control character escape fixed. Some unicode characters
    were not escaped properly.
  • Fix dimension label transition on axis and legend.
  • Through event handler call, when a new event handler is registered, undefined behaviour happened.
  • Fixed channel reset with empty array when shorthands plugin switched off.
  • Legend label outerRect was not properly calculated.
  • Line chart connector circles color was not contained the alpha channel.
  • Line chart draws was overwrite the event's settings.
  • Legend title outerRect was not properly calculated.
  • Fixed stacked empty min/max aggregated values.
  • Fixed error when an animation triggered during tooptip activation which removed the corresopnding marker.


  • In config channels, data series and their aggregators can be specified separately
    in a descriptor object, besides encoding them into one string (old way).
  • Added optional categories member to the legend-marker, legend-label and plot-axis-label events.
  • Remove unused marker selection and selected marker coloring.
  • Removed marker's alpha color when tooltip is shown.
  • Remove cursor modification over logo.
  • Make channel.step option to work on dimensions.
  • When X axis dimension labels are close to each other, they are rotated to avoid overlapping.
  • The event handler registration order changed. Now the handlers are called in the opposite order of the registration.
  • Added the padded rectangle, the bounding rectangle and the align parameter to the draw text event object.
  • Tooltip works on marker labels too.