- handle user payment
- create wallet for user
- prepare online payment by multi bank portal (by default ZarinPal)
$ composer require m74asoud/paymenter
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="M74asoud\\Paymenter\\PaymenterServiceProvider"
$ php artisan migrate
Step 1 : add trait PaymenterAble to User model .
use M74asoud\Paymenter\Services\Payment\Contract\PaymenterAble;
class User extends Authenticatable {
use PaymenterAble;
PaymenterAble includes below methods:
use M74asoud\Paymenter\Models\Bill;
use M74asoud\Paymenter\ObjectValue\Money;
use M74asoud\Paymenter\Services\Payment\PaymenterTDO;
use M74asoud\Paymenter\Services\Payment\Types\Contract\PaymenterTypeInterface;
$user->balance() : Money
balance method return the latest inventory of the user's wallet
$user->hasMoney(Money $money): bool
does user hasMoney in wallet
$user->getPaymenterTypes(): array
return existing payment method example : wallet - online , ...
$user->getOnlinePaymentPortals(): array
return all active bank portals
$user->pay( PaymenterTDO $paymenterTDO, PaymenterTypeInterface $paymenter_type = null ): bill
$user->recharge( PaymenterTDO $paymenterTDO, PaymenterTypeInterface $paymenter_type = null ): bill
Step 2 : create a custom class any where and implement PaymenterControllerInterface like below
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use M74asoud\Paymenter\Services\Payment\Contract\PaymenterControllerInterface;
class PaymentVerify implements PaymenterControllerInterface
public function verifyHandler(Bill $bill)
// do something you like
Step 3 : in your project AppServiceProvider Bind PaymenterControllerInterface to your Custom Class
public function register()
$bill->status :
const Status = [
'pending' => 0,
'watingPay' => 1,
'paid' => 2,
'noEnoughMoney' => 3,
'error' => 4
* if use online payment and $bill->status === 1 (watingPay)
you must redirect user to bank portal with link :
$bill->paymentTransaction->requestPay() , then verify user payment in your custom class than created.
* when you try to pay or recahrge you must pass an object of PaymenterTDO .
PaymenterTDO argumans :
- Money $amount,
- string $description,
- int $type ### this arguman Special for you , you can pass any integer and then verify $bill in your custom handler by it;