The go-sharp(go-srs-http-advanced-reverse-proxy) is the proxy for SRS HTTP FLV.
Step 1: Setup GO env.
About how to set $GOPATH, read prepare go.
Step 2: Get go-sharp and build it.
To clone from github, build, install to $GOPATH and build go-sharp:
go get
Step 3: Start go-sharp proxy.
For linux or unix:
$GOPATH/bin/go-sharp 8088 8 8080,8081,8082
Or, for windows:
%GOPATH%\bin\go-sharp.exe 8088 8 8080,8081,8082
Step 4: Start SRS HTTP FLV cluster.
About how to start HTTP FLV cluster of SRS, read wiki(CN, EN)
Step 5: Play the proxy HTTP FLV stream.
The HTTP FLV streams:
SRS Origin:
SRS Edge1:
SRS Edge2:
go-sharp proxy:
You can use vlc or online jwplayer players to play SRS Origin, SRS Edge1, SRS Edge2 and go-sharp proxy.
Remark: Please replace the server ip by yours.
- Reverse HTTP proxy for SRS HTTP FLV cluster.
- Load balance for these proxe SRS server.
- Auto detect the alive of proxy SRS server.
- [plan] Auto detect the load of proxy SRS server.
- [plan] HLS DRM token, generate and verify the token in ts url.
Comming soon ...
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