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Build REST APIs, Monolithic Modular and Microservice applications with Typescript and a strong foundation


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Run: AnyWhere, AnyHow, AnyTime Typescript Boilertplate

Security scan status - Known Vulnerabilities
Tests in Main - CircleCI
Tests in Dev - CircleCI
Coverage in Main: - codecov
Coverage in Dev: - codecov

Overall Code Coverage


This is a boilerplate to build REST APIs, Monolithic Modular and Microservice applications with Typescript.

The application aims to run Anywhere, Anytime, Anyhow. Dedicated servers, virtual machines, containers, EC2, ECS or lambdas, with Express, Fastify, Hyper-Express and serverless.

See it running as Fastify implementation at:

Open in Gitpod

It is built over a simplistic interpretation of Hexagonal Architecture, the Domain Driven Design and Event Driven Architecture philosophies.

It aims to be as much agnostic as possible, avoiding to add any frameworks or libraries to the stack.

It can be used as boilerplate to create modular monolithor microservice applications.

Project features high level overview

It implements incoming data validation, in the infrastructure level, through custom logic and based in the Open API specification.

It implements basic HTTP auth mechanism with a custom role system. Replaceable with other auth mechanisms. Tied to the API OAS spec.

It implements a HTTP web server port actually implementing adapters for Express.js, Fastify and Hyper-Express. A serverless implementation is coming soon.

It implements an agnostic data repository port that actually writes/reads data from a In Memory database adapter. It is easily replaceable with Mongoose, Sequelize, etc.

Classes' diagram

Diagram illustrating the components:


API documentation

The API doc might be visualized at: http://localhost:3000/doc/

Note: Remember to start the application before trying to reach it through the browser.

Request data workflow through the architecture's components

Request Handler -> Controller -> Domain Service -> Domain Use Case -> Data Repository -> Data Adapter -> DBClient

Response data workflow through the architecture's components

Request Handler <- Controller <- Domain Service <- Domain Use Case <- Data Repository <- Data Adapter <- DBClient

Main components and their responsibility scope

1.Request Handlers

It is the entry point in a request to the service.

It is a infrastructure's component.

It performs params, body, url and access permission validations against the incoming request, using the associated OAS specification for each end point.

It may offers adapters for different outside service interfaces:

  • HTTP - Lambdas (AWS, Azure, Google)
  • HTTP - Express
  • HTTP - Fastify
  • HTTP - Hyper-Express
  • HTTP - etc
  • Events/SQS
  • Events/SNS
  • Events/etc

2.Domain Service

It is the entry point for the application core (domains).

It is a domain's component.

May works as aggregation root / bounded contexts talking directly to injected domain services (aka domains and subdomains).

It should be the unique option working as communication interface between infrastructure and domain components.

It has a databaseClient adapter and a mutexService adapter injected on it instance.

It may lock resources to avoid race conditions by using the injected mutexService.

It knows it internal domain use cases.

It doesn't knows external domain use cases.

3.Use Case

The Use Cases, as the meaning of the words, are the use cases implemented in the Product.

They represents the features delivered to the customers.

It is a domain's component. They known and are consumed by the Domain Service component only.

They are the point entry for all Data Repository calls. They handle Data Models rather than raw objects.

They have an associated Data Repository that is injected into it scope when calling Use Case clojure.

4.Data Repository

The Data Repository layer implements, in a agnostic manner, all actions related to the data persistency.

It does not talk directly to a database. I has a port to adapt different Database Clients.

It is a domain's component. They are consumed by Use Case component only.

5.Data Adapter

The Data adapter is a kind of database client implementation that respect the Data Repository port.

It may implement database access through native drivers or ORMs and ODMs.

It is a domain's component.

Required stack

  • Node.js (20 preferred)
  • Typescript
  • Jest
  • Redis - used to implement mutex (included as Docker image)
  • OpenAPI official typings
  • yaml - yaml parser
  • Express

Evaluating the application

  1. Install the project
    npm install
  1. Run Redis (if you don't have already)
    npm run docker:composeredis

Run the entire test suite

    npm test

Run the API - 3000 port

Run with Express

    npm run dev:fastify

Run with Fastify

    npm run dev:fastify
  1. Reach the URL http://localhost:3000/doc/ and click in the Version 1.0.0. It will open the API documentation.
  2. Reach http://localhost:3000/docs/1.0.0 to see the JSON version of the API documentation.

Contributing to the project

  1. Create a new branch.
  2. Run the app in TDD mode - live reload of tests
  npm run tdd
  1. Make your changes.
  2. Commit it
  3. Ask for PR


lint code

  npm run lint

lint && fix code

  npm run lint:fix


It will run lint and test before asking info about the commit

  npm run commit

Commiting code

Commit messages must follow the Angular Commit Message Guidelines

It generates a changelog following the Commitizen conventional changelog

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