Currently provides a simple spring boot implementation of a logger for temperature data from 1 or more DB18B20 sensors connected to a Pi or Pi Zero.
This application will only succesfully run on a Rasperry Pi with 1 or more sensors connected.
The data is stored in an H2 database ~/.temperature/data
See http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html for documentation of the resources.
These resources are all GET requests and the URL is relative to the base. If running as a spring boot standalone application this will be http://localhost:8080 and will vary if deployed in tomcat.
Get the current temperature recorded by the sensor with the specified ID as a url path parameter.
Get all available IDs
Get the temperature readings for all connected sensors.
"28-0517602a31ff": 19.625,
"28-051760a9aaff": 18.562
Returns the count of the number of records recorded for the named sensor
To generate an executable jar run (this should be machine agnostic, build your your PC and run on the pi).
$ gradle build
Then to run the application:
$ java -jar pi-temp-sensor-rest-{version}.jar