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Releases: webrtc-gateway/janus-gateway

Update to v0.2.0

20 Oct 22:53
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Update to v0.2.0

Update to 3cd959f

03 Oct 21:33
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Update to 3cd959f Pre-release

Update to 3cd959f

Update to v0.1.2

03 Oct 20:14
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Update to v0.1.2

Windows version of Janus WebRTC Gateway

20 Aug 07:08
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Update to commit 79c65e8

Windows version of Janus WebRTC Gateway

19 Aug 06:33
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This release adds Windows 10 support to Janus WebRTC Gateway (awesome software from Meetecho). The package is cross-platform and can be compiled on Linux/OS X/Windows. The plan is to upstream the changes as soon as possible. The code was not thoroughly tested in very complex scenerios because it was good faith off-time effort. However, it works fine for large number of simultaneous audio and video connections and is pretty robust. To make this package more streamline all dependency packages were compiled on Windows 10 and its build scripts were released to as well.

Attached installers contains binary versions of Janus WebRTC Gateway, header files and toolchains used for compilation. Packages can be used to develop custom plugins.