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update Planet and Wedge

See merge request weihuayi/fealpy!86
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weihuayi committed May 20, 2021
2 parents ee2b33a + a747ec6 commit 50dcb6c
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Showing 7 changed files with 3,755 additions and 39 deletions.
232 changes: 208 additions & 24 deletions app/TEM/
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@@ -1,41 +1,225 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyamg
import meshio
import sys
import copy

from fealpy.functionspace import ParametricLagrangeFiniteElementSpace
from fealpy.functionspace.WedgeLagrangeFiniteElementSpace import WedgeLagrangeFiniteElementSpace
from fealpy.mesh import LagrangeTriangleMesh, LagrangeWedgeMesh
from fealpy.writer import MeshWriter
from fealpy.decorator import cartesian, barycentric
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
from import showmultirate, show_error_table

class PlanetHeatConductionSimulator():
from nonlinear_robin import nonlinear_robin

def __init__(self, mesh): = ParametricLagrangeFiniteElementSpace(mesh, p=1)
class PlanetHeatConductionSimulator():
def __init__(self, pde, mesh, p=1): = WedgeLagrangeFiniteElementSpace(mesh, p=p)
self.mesh =
self.pde = pde = nonlinear_robin(self.pde,, self.mesh, p=p)

self.M =
self.A =

self.mesh.meshdata['A'] = 0.1 # 邦德反照率
self.mesh.meshdata['epsilon'] = 0.9 # 辐射率
self.mesh.meshdata['rho'] = 1400 # kg/m^3 密度
self.mesh.meshdata['c'] = 1200 # Jkg^-1K^-1 比热容
self.mesh.meshdata['kappa'] = 0.02 # Wm^-1K^-1 热导率
self.mesh.meshdata['sigma'] = 5.6367e-8 # 玻尔兹曼常数
self.mesh.meshdata['q'] = 1367.5 # W/m^2 太阳辐射通量
self.mesh.meshdata['mu0'] = self.pde.init_mu() # max(cos beta,0) 太阳高度角参数

def time_mesh(self, NT=100):
from fealpy.timeintegratoralg.timeline import UniformTimeLine
timeline = UniformTimeLine(0, 3600, NT)
return timeline

def init_solution(self, timeline):
NL = timeline.number_of_time_levels()
gdof =
uh = np.zeros((gdof, NL), dtype=np.float)
uh[:, 0] = 150
return uh

def apply_boundary_condition(self, A, b, uh, timeline):
from fealpy.boundarycondition import RobinBC
from fealpy.boundarycondition import NeumannBC
from fealpy.boundarycondition import DirichletBC
t0 = timeline.current_time_level()
t1 = timeline.next_time_level()
i = timeline.current

# 对 robin 边界条件进行处理
bc = RobinBC(, lambda x, n:self.pde.robin(x, n, t0), threshold=self.pde.is_robin_boundary)
A0, b = bc.apply(A, b)

# 对 neumann 边界条件进行处理
bc = NeumannBC(, lambda x, n:self.pde.neumann(x, n, t0), threshold=self.pde.is_neumann_boundary)
b = bc.apply(b) # 混合边界条件不需要输入矩阵A
return b

def solve(self, uh, timeline):
''' piccard 迭代 C-N 方法 '''
from nonlinear_robin import nonlinear_robin

i = timeline.current
t1 = timeline.next_time_level()
dt = timeline.current_time_step_length()
F = self.pde.right_vector(uh, timeline)

# 网格数据
rho = self.mesh.meshdata['rho']
c = self.mesh.meshdata['c']
kappa = self.mesh.meshdata['kappa']
epsilon = self.mesh.meshdata['epsilon']
sigma = self.mesh.meshdata['sigma']

A = kappa*self.A
M = rho*c*self.M
b = self.apply_boundary_condition(A, F, uh, timeline)

e = 0.0000000001
error = 1
xi_new =
xi_new[:] = copy.deepcopy(uh[:, i])
while error > e:
xi_tmp = copy.deepcopy(xi_new[:])
R =, xi_new, lambda x, n:self.pde.robin(x,
n, t1), threshold=self.pde.is_robin_boundary)
r = M@uh[:, i] + dt*b
R = M + dt*R
ml = pyamg.ruge_stuben_solver(R)
xi_new[:] = ml.solve(r, tol=1e-12, accel='cg').reshape(-1)
# xi_new[:] = spsolve(R, b).reshape(-1)
error = np.max(np.abs(xi_tmp-xi_new[:]))
uh[:, i+1] = xi_new

class TPMModel():
def __init__(self):

def init_mesh(self, n=0, h=0.005, nh=100, p=1):
fname = 'initial/file1.vtu'
data =
node = data.points
cell = data.cells[0][1]

mesh = LagrangeTriangleMesh(node*500, cell, p=p)
mesh = LagrangeWedgeMesh(mesh, h, nh, p=p)

self.mesh = mesh
self.p = p
return mesh

def init_mu(self):
boundary_face_index = self.is_robin_boundary(0)
qf0, qf1 = self.mesh.integrator(self.p, 'face')
bcs, ws = qf0.get_quadrature_points_and_weights()
m = mesh.boundary_tri_face_unit_normal(bcs, index=boundary_face_index)

# 小行星外法向
n = np.array([1, 1, 1]) # 指向太阳的方向
n = n/np.sqrt(, n))

mu =, n)
mu[mu<0] = 0
return mu

def right_vector(self, uh, timeline):
shape = uh.shape[0]
f = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float)
return f

def neumann(self, p, n, t):
gN = np.zeros((p.shape[0], p.shape[1]), dtype=np.float)
return gN

def is_neumann_boundary(self, p):
tface, qface = self.mesh.entity('face')
NTF = len(tface)
boundary_neumann_tface_index = np.zeros(NTF, dtype=np.bool_)
boundary_neumann_tface_index[-NTF//2:] = True
return boundary_neumann_tface_index

def robin(self, p, n, t):
""" Robin boundary condition
A = self.mesh.meshdata['A']
q = self.mesh.meshdata['q']
mu = self.mesh.meshdata['mu0']

epsilon = self.mesh.meshdata['epsilon']
sigma = self.mesh.meshdata['sigma']

n = np.ones((p.shape[0], p.shape[1]),dtype=np.float)
shape = len(n.shape)*(1, )
kappa = -epsilon*sigma*np.array([1.0], dtype=np.float64).reshape(shape)
return -(1-A)*q*mu*n, kappa

def is_robin_boundary(self, p):
tface, qface = self.mesh.entity('face')
NTF = len(tface)
boundary_robin_tface_index = np.zeros(NTF, dtype=np.bool_)
boundary_robin_tface_index[:NTF//2] = True
return boundary_robin_tface_index

if __name__ == '__main__':
from fealpy.mesh import MeshFactory
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

mesh = MeshFactory.unitcirclemesh(h=0.1, p=1)

mesh.meshdata['A'] = 0.1 # 邦德反照率
mesh.meshdata['epsilon'] = 0.9 # 辐射率
mesh.meshdata['rho'] = 1400 # kg/m^3 密度
mesh.meshdata['c'] = 1200 # Jkg^-1K^-1 比热容
mesh.meshdata['kappa'] = 0.02 # Wm^-1K^-1 热导率
mesh.meshdata['sigma'] = 5.6367e-8 # 玻尔兹曼常数
mesh.meshdata['q'] = 1367.5 # W/m^2 太阳辐射通量
mesh.meshdata['mu0'] = 1 # max(cos beta,0) 太阳高度角参数

simulator = PlanetHeatConductionSimulator(mesh)
p = int(sys.argv[1])
n = int(sys.argv[2])
NT = int(sys.argv[3])
maxit = int(sys.argv[4])
# h = float(sys.argv[5])
# nh = int(sys.argv[6])
h = 0.005
nh = 100

pde = TPMModel()
mesh = pde.init_mesh(n=n, h=h, nh=nh, p=p)

simulator = PlanetHeatConductionSimulator(pde, mesh)

timeline = simulator.time_mesh(NT=NT)

Ndof = np.zeros(maxit, dtype=np.float)

for i in range(maxit):
model = PlanetHeatConductionSimulator(pde, mesh, p=p)

Ndof[i] =

uh = model.init_solution(timeline)

timeline.time_integration(uh, model, spsolve)

if i < maxit-1:
# mesh.uniform_refine()
n = n+1
h = h/2
nh = nh*2
mesh = pde.init_mesh(n=n, h=h, nh=nh)
uh =[:, -1])
print('uh:', uh)

np.savetxt('01solution', uh)
mesh.nodedata['uh'] = uh

# fig = plt.figure()
# axes = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# uh.add_plot(axes, cmap='rainbow')

# show_error_table(Ndof, errorType, errorMatrix)
# showmultirate(plt, 0, Ndof, errorMatrix, errorType)


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