2 commits
to master
since this release
Release info
- Rebase
- Remove
as coincidentally there was a fix upstreamed for this today ( Note: looks like the osu! editor menu bar is invisible with this (when using winewayland)... still, direct scanout now works
- Bisected and removed some other patches causing breakage elsewhere
- Changed default compiler to gcc+mingw-gcc for similar reasons
- Remove the per-arch-stringops patch which broke mingw-gcc builds, it's not worth keeping anyways (perf. benchmarks were about the same)
- Improve (?) PKGBUILD again...
For extra information, refer to my comment on the AUR package, and the previous releases' notes.
If installing from the attached releases, add my public key (only required once):
sudo pacman-key --keyserver --recv-keys 0B47490955565BD2 && sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 0B47490955565BD2
before running the install command (can also use paru
or another AUR helper):
sudo pacman -U <url-from-below>.pkg.tar.zst
Otherwise, just run e.g. paru -S wine-osu-spectator-wow64
to build and install it from the AUR.