- Works with Go 1.16+
go get "github.com/wingify/vwo-fme-go-sdk"
import vwo "github.com/wingify/vwo-fme-go-sdk"
// init options for vwo client
options := map[string]interface{}{
"sdkKey": "your_sdk_key",
"accountId": "your_account_id",
"gatewayServiceURL": "http://your.host.com:port", // check section - How to Setup Gateway Service - for more details
// initialize the vwo client
instance, err := vwo.Init(options)
// map for pre-segmentation based on customVariables
customVariables := map[string]interface{}{
"custom_variable_key": "custom_variable_value",
// Create the user context map
userContext := map[string]interface{}{
"id": "user_id",
"customVariables": customVariables, // pass customVariables if using customVariables pre-segmentation
"userAgent": "visitor_user_agent",
"ipAddress": "visitor_ip_address",
// get flag to check if feature is Enabled for the user
getFlag, err := instance.GetFlag("feature_key", userContext)
isFeatureEnabled := getFlag.IsEnabled()
getVariableValue := getFlag.GetVariable("variable_key", "default_value")
// trackEvent to track the conversion for the user
trackEventResponse, err := instance.TrackEvent("event_name", userContext, nil)
// setAttribute to send attribute data for the user
instance.SetAttribute("attribute_key", "attribute_value", userContext)
To Setup the VWO Gateway Service, refer to this.
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