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SEO London Django website created by Mindspray, Glendelm Design, Spoke and with help from Women Hack For Non-Profits

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SEO London Django Website

Created and built by Mindspray, Glendelm Design, Spoke and Women Hack For Non-Profits

How to set up a development environment

Please try following instructions in Vagrant first. The instruction here is left for reference only.


  • a github account
  • a fork of Woman Hack for Non Profit's SEO London repository in your account:
    1. login to your github account
    2. goto,
    3. click fork icon in the upper left column

Set up Python / Virtualenv / requirements

Here we want to set up a python virtual environment and set up a source code

  1. Install Python: brew install python
  2. Upgrade pip & setup tools: pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
  3. Install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv
  4. Install virtualenvwrapper: pip install virtualenvwrapper
  5. Source the virtualenvwrapper:source /usr/local/bin/
    • Note: To help do this automatically on every new shell you open add the line above to your .bash_profile or .bashrc
  6. Create a new env for the project: mkvirtualenv seolondon
  7. To activate the virtualenv: workon seolondon, when finished to de-activate type in: deactivate
  8. Clone the forked repo: git clone [email protected]:<your git username>/seo-london.git
  9. Go inside the new seo project directory: cd seo-django
  10. Install python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  11. Install frontend requirements: npm install

Install Postgres Database Server

  1. You will need to have Postgres installed and up and running. You can install it via:
    • Homebrew brew install postgresql
    • OR Download the Postgres App
  2. Make sure the Postgres Server is up and running:
    • If using the App simply start the server from there (Mac)
    • If using command line: brew services start postgresql (Mac)
  3. Create a new database: createdb seolondon
    • NOTE: do not run migrations as we will import the whole database
  4. Create a user:
    • run psql
    • then run CREATE USER seolondon PASSWORD 'seolondon'

Loading data locally (very desirable but optional)

Downlowd a postgresql dump and media dump.

  1. Get the database backup file (TBD)
  2. Unzip the file to a file name called latest.dump
  3. Import the database into the local database (add --clean if you need it emptied) (this is a one line command):
    • pg_restore --verbose --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U seolondon --role seolondon -d seolondon latest.dump
  4. copy public media files to local (there will be a lot of print out, after this you should have files in web/media/ folders):
    • python copy_media_file

Running the project locally

  1. Go inside the new seo project directory: cd seo-django
  2. Run gulp to compile and watch for changes: gulp
  3. In a different console run npm run server (simultaneously with gul)
  4. In a new concole also run python runserver


  • "Missing module...": Probably because you didn't activate the environment source ../env/bin/activate; or install the requirements inside the environment pip install -r requirements.txt.

Production Environment

This section is for users with a bit more experience, or already accustomed with the setup.

Additional accounts required

  • AWS Credentials for S3
  • IFramely for blog video embed
  • Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager Code

I think it is probably best to do heroku configs to get all the production configuration.

Download Database

  • Database
    1. Get a dump from Heroku: heroku pg:backups:capture
    2. Fetch the database dump to your machine: heroku pg:backups:download


SEO London Django website created by Mindspray, Glendelm Design, Spoke and with help from Women Hack For Non-Profits






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