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中文 | English

This is a toy Java virtual machine(JVM) that supports many of Java's language features, it also comes with an experimental mark-sweep garbage collector. The implementation of this JVM follows the Java Virtual Machine Specification 8. I don't have enough time to write unit tests for each component, and I don't implement the full Java language features, but as far as pleasing myself, I think it's enough. If you find any bugs, or you want to implement any missing features, you can create an issue or pull request, respectively.

Build and Run

# Note, C++14 is required at least.
$ cd yvm
$ cmake .
$ make
$ ./yvm
  yvm --lib=<path> <main_class>

      --lib=<path>     Tells YVM where to find JDK classes(java.lang.String, etc)
      <main_class>     The full qualified Java class name, e.g. org.example.Foo
$ ./yvm --lib=/path/to/yvm/bytecode ydk.test.QuickSort
0 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 9 9 9 12 74 96 98 8989 

Implemented Features

Advanced language features will support later, you can also create PR to contribute your awesome code. Implemented features are as follows:

You can find some examples at here.

Hacking Guide

1. How does it work

  1. loadJavaClass("org.example.Foo")
    • findJavaClass if present
    • Otherwise, loadJavaClass from --lib, all classes is stored in ClassSpace
  2. linkJavaClass("org.example.Foo")
    • Initialize static fields with default value
  3. initJavaClass("org.example.Foo")
    • Invoke org.example.Foo.<clinit>
  4. invokeByName("org.example.Foo","main","([Ljava/lang/String;)V")
    • Prepare execution frame
    • Find method from JavaClass
    • execByteCodede
      • Interprete every bytecode on simulated stack
      • Recursively call execByteCodede when performing invoke* bytecodes

2. Code structure

root@ubuntu:~/yvm/src$ tree .
├── classfile               
│   ├── AccessFlag.h        # Access flag of class, method, field
│   ├── ClassFile.h         # Parse .class file
│   └── FileReader.h        # Read .class file
├── gc
│   ├── Concurrent.cpp      # Concurrency utilities
│   ├── Concurrent.hpp
│   ├── GC.cpp              # Garbage collector
│   └── GC.h
├── interpreter
│   ├── CallSite.cpp        # Call site to denote a concrete calling
│   ├── CallSite.h
│   ├── Internal.h          # Types that internally used
│   ├── Interpreter.cpp     # Interpreter
│   ├── Interpreter.hpp
│   ├── MethodResolve.cpp   # Resolve call site
│   └── MethodResolve.h
├── misc
│   ├── Debug.cpp           # Debugging utilities
│   ├── Debug.h
│   ├── NativeMethod.cpp    # Java native methods
│   ├── NativeMethod.h
│   ├── Option.h            # VM arguments and options
│   ├── Utils.cpp           # Tools and utilities
│   └── Utils.h
├── runtime
│   ├── JavaClass.cpp       # Internal representation of java.lang.Class
│   ├── JavaClass.h
│   ├── JavaException.cpp   # Exception handling
│   ├── JavaException.h
│   ├── JavaFrame.cpp       # Execution frame
│   ├── JavaFrame.hpp
│   ├── JavaHeap.cpp        # Java heap, where objects are located
│   ├── JavaHeap.hpp
│   ├── JavaType.h          # Java type definitions
│   ├── ClassSpace.cpp      # Store JavaClass
│   ├── ClassSpace.h
│   ├── ObjectMonitor.cpp   # synchronized(){} block implementation
│   ├── ObjectMonitor.h
│   ├── RuntimeEnv.cpp      # Runtime structures
│   └── RuntimeEnv.h
└── vm
    ├── Main.cpp             # Parse command line arguments
    ├── YVM.cpp              # Abstraction of virtual machine
    └── YVM.h

See its wiki for more development details.


Code licensed under the MIT License.