- When I decided to make this game (for exercise), I challenged myself not to look up any information about the "snake" algorithm, and it took me 5 hours to find out the algorithm.
- My code is not a good example because of redundant lines and declaring variables too much.
- Furthermore, I didn't explain anything in the source code because it's really hard to explain for me.
- Download zip, extract it and run snakeSDL2.exe
- It may crash if you won't deactivate the antivirus. (Since most antiviruses do not allow unknown programs to use GPU.)
- Run snakeSDL2.exe with "SDL2.dll", "SDL2_image.dll", "SDL2_mixer.dll" and "Effects" folder in the same location.
- UP : press W
- DOWN : press S
- LEFT : press A
- RIGHT : press D
- Press SPACE or ESC.