is a snakemake workflow for the prediction of neoantigens from multiple sources. In its current state,
this includes canonical-splicing, exitron-splicing, gene fusion, indels and snvs.
In principle, Scanneo2 aims to resolve its dependencies automatically and requires only snakemake and snakedeploy.
Before installing and using ScanNeo2, make sure you have the following software installed:
- Mamba: An open-source package manager. Mamba should be installed independently by the user.
To get started with ScanNeo2, follow the steps below:
Create and activate a new environment with Mamba using the environment file from the ScanNeo2 repository:
mamba env create --file mamba activate scanneo2
Note: ScanNeo2 requires Snakemake >= 8.x.x is not compatible with Snakemake <= 8.x.x.
Deploy ScanNeo2:
mkdir -p /path/to/your/working/directory/
cd /path/to/your/working/directory/
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ScanNeo2
(Optional) Install HLA-HD
ScanNeo2 employs HLA-HD for HLA Class II genotyping which is required when ScanNeo2 has been configured to predict class II neoantigens. Due to license reasons it has to be installed manually (download request). Please follow the instructions on the official website. ScanNeo2 has been tested using HLA-HD v1.7.0
- Configure ScanNeo2 by editing the
file. Make sure to adjust parameters to suit your needs and data. Note that the paths in the config file need to be relative to the directory from which you run snakemake.
To run the workflow, use the following command:
cd /path/to/your/working/directory/
snakemake --cores all --software-deployment-method conda
In addition, custom configfiles can be configured using --configfile <path/to/configfile>
. In principle, this merely
overwrites the default config, and should include all key/value pairs of the valid config file.
For more detailed instructions and explanations on how to use ScanNeo2, please consult the wiki.
For added convenience, we also provide a ready-to-use Docker Container for ScanNeo2. This container encapsulates the environment required to run ScanNeo2, making it even easier to get started.
In additon, we provided test data in .tests/integration
with configuration and resulting file that can be used to test the installation
We recommend to run ScanNeo on a system with at least 64GB
ScanNeo2 provides an accessible, efficient method for predicting neoantigens. Its comprehensive support for multiple sources of neoantigens, along with its ease of installation and use, make it a powerful tool for researchers in the field. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback - we're always looking to improve ScanNeo2.
author = {Sch{\ifmmode\ddot{a}\else\"{a}\fi}fer, Richard A. and Guo, Qingxiang and Yang, Rendong},
title = {{ScanNeo2: a comprehensive workflow for neoantigen detection and immunogenicity prediction from diverse genomic and transcriptomic alterations}},
journal = {Bioinformatics},
volume = {39},
number = {11},
pages = {btad659},
year = {2023},
month = nov,
issn = {1367-4811},
publisher = {Oxford Academic},
doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btad659}
ScanNeo2 is licensed under MIT License.
If you have any issues or queries about ScanNeo2, please raise an issue on GitHub.