I'm a Computer Science student at the University of New Brunswick, with a passion for clean, scalable code and impactful projects. I specialize in frontend development and cybersecurity, with experience working on critical infrastructure apps for organizations like Twilio and the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC).
- Currently: Cybersecurity Frontend Developer Intern @ CIC, Canada
- Previously: Contributor, Twilio Voices Program @ Twilio USA, Remote
A dynamic Windows platform leveraging AWS S3 for scalable storage and license key validation, with seamless Stripe integration for payments.
🏆 First Place @ Google + Square AI Hackathon.
- Created a data analysis tool using React.js, Google Vertex AI, and Square APIs.
🏆 Passage SDK Winner @ 1Password Hackathon.
- Built PHP/Laravel bindings for 1Password’s Passage SDK.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, C++, Java
- Frameworks/Tools: React.js, Node.js, Docker, HTML5, CSS3, AWS, Google Cloud
- Practices: Clean Code, Agile Development, Unit Testing, Debugging
- Website: youneslaaroussi.ca
- Email: [email protected]
- GitHub: github.com/youneslaaroussi
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/younes-laaroussi