Mesos framework to run a docker container once. It will connect, get offers, launch container(s), stream logs and then disconnect from mesos.
Get the latest binary from github releases.
A basic working example
# Replace all of these with your values
export MESOS_PRINCIPAL=your_principal
export MESOS_PASSWORD=your_password
export MESOS_MASTER=your-master:5050 # doesn't have to be leader
./mesos-runonce -master $MESOS_MASTER \
-address $(ip route get | grep -o src.* | grep -oE "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") \
-principal $MESOS_PRINCIPAL \
-secret-file <(printf $MESOS_PASSWORD) \
-docker-cmd "env;sleep 20;ls" \
-docker-image alpine
To see all of the command line options:
./mesos-runonce -h
To use a config.json file (see example-config.json for JSON spec):
./mesos-runonce -config config.json
To override values in the config.json:
./mesos-runonce -config config.json -principal $USER