Pre-releaseYorc Changelog
4.0.0-M7 (November 29, 2019)
Changes on the REST API
Deployment updates
Until now deployments updates (which is a premium feature) were made on the same API operation than submitting a deployment with a given identifier:
PUT /deployments/<deployment_id>
The decision on updating a deployment or creating a new one was based on the existence or not of a deployment with the given identifier.
This was confusing and makes error handling on clients difficult. So we decided to split those operations on two different API endpoints.
Submitting a deployment with a given identifier remain as it was, but updating a deployment is now available on the PATCH /deployments/<deployment_id>
Trying to update a deployment on an OSS version will now result in a 401 Forbiden
error instead of a 409 Conflict
error previously.
Submitting a deployment with an identifier that is already used will still result in a 409 Conflict
error but without an informative message indicating that a
premium version is required to perform a deployment update.
This is tracked on (GH-547: Refactor Deployment updates API).
- API /health changed to /server/health (GH-551)
- Enrich Yorc REST API with endpoints and handlers for locations management (GH-479)
- Loading bar while bootstrap (GH-254)
- Allow to specify query parameters in infrastructure usage queries (GH-543)
- Duplicate SLURM job info log in case of failure (GH-545)