XENA is Cross-Platform Software for Cyber-Security Automation, Adversary Simulations, and Red Team Operations.
XENA strives to be fully integrated security penetration testing framework. It is equipped with a post-exploitation agent, C2 server, and a dark-themed elegant user interface running on Desktop, Web, and Mobile.
This is the Community Edition.
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- HTTP Client allowing you to easily make your own agent, orchestrate C2 clusters, and do high-level automation.
- Helper library wrapping the lower level cryptography functionality of the Golang's standard library.
Execute script "prod-build.sh" inside of the project's root directory.
First time compilation might take around 5-10 minutes, since UI is compiling Fyne framework.
That script would compile agents, C2 server and the user interface into folder named "export".
Run the C2 server binary in directory "export/c2". You'd need to configure a few env. variables.
Example: AUTH_TOKEN=my_api_key_for_ui HOST= PORT=8080 GIN_MODE=release ./linux_amd64
Value of AUTH_TOKEN also set in the "Settings" page in the UI, along with the C2's host.
GUI can also be compiled and run in the web using web assembly, learn more at. It has some limitations, mainly the dialog for building an agent won't show up.
To compile for web run: cd ui && fyne package -os web --release --icon ./static/xena-avatar.png .