Releases: zeromicro/go-zero
🐛 Fixes
- Fixed version to match with the release by @chenrui333
🔧 Improvements & Maintenance
📦 Dependency Updates
This release includes several dependency updates:
- Updated from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1
- Updated from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
For a complete list of changes, please check the full changelog.
🎉 Celebrating 30,000 Stars Milestone! 🎉
We are thrilled to announce that go-zero has reached the incredible milestone of 30,000 GitHub stars! This achievement wouldn't have been possible without our amazing community of developers, contributors, and users who have supported us throughout this journey.
From its humble beginnings, go-zero has grown to become one of the most popular Go microservices frameworks, enabling developers worldwide to build high-performance, reliable, and scalable systems with ease. This milestone is a testament to the value go-zero brings to the Go ecosystem and the trust the community places in our project.
✨ What's New in v1.8.1
We're excited to present go-zero v1.8.1, which includes several new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
🔑 Key Highlights
- Redis v7 Compatibility: Fixed username not working in Redis v7
- Gateway Context Propagation: Fixed HTTP gateway context propagation
🚀 Features
- Fixed global fields applying to third-party log modules by @JiChenSSG
- Simplified HTTP query array parsing by @kevwan
🐛 Fixes
- Fixed Redis username not working in Redis v7 by @kevwan
- Fixed HTTP gateway context propagation error by @Suyghur
- Fixed SlowThreshold configuration not taking effect in logging by @Nanosk07 and @kevwan
🔧 Improvements & Maintenance
- Performance tuning for stable runner by @kevwan
- Various dependency updates to keep the project up-to-date
- Multiple code style improvements and test coverage enhancements
📦 Dependency Updates
This release includes several dependency updates:
- Updated from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
- Updated from 1.20.5 to 1.21.0
- Updated from 9.7.0 to 9.7.1
- Updated from 1.17.2 to 1.17.3
- Updated various packages
👋 Welcome New Contributors
A special welcome to our new contributor who made their first contribution in this release:
- @ningzio made their first contribution in #4344
- @youzipi made their first contribution in #4626
- @xuerbujia made their first contribution in #4633
🙏 Thank You
As we celebrate 30,000 stars, we want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed to go-zero, used it in their projects, filed issues, or helped spread the word. This community-driven success pushes us to continue improving and innovating.
For a complete list of changes, please check the full changelog.
🚀 Features
- Added support for
go work
(#4344) @ningzio - Added support for custom key prefix in cache generation (#4643) @kesonan
🐛 Bug Fixes
📦 Dependencies
- Bumped
from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 (#4615) - Bumped
from 0.21.0 to 0.22.0 (#4620) - Bumped
from 1.36.4 to 1.36.5 (#4628)
🎉 Welcome New Contributors!
We're excited to welcome these new contributors to the project:
- Full Changelog: v1.7.6...v1.7.7
- Added support for generating unit test files for API handlers and logic (#4443)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed syntax of key expression (#4586)
- Contributed by @kesonan
- Fixed security vulnerability related to arbitrary file access during archive extraction ("Zip Slip") (#4604)
- Addressed code scanning alert no. 57
- Contributed by @kevwan
- Removed default usage of goproxy (#4613)
- goproxy should be set by
go env -w
if needed - Contributed by @kevwan
- goproxy should be set by
New Contributors
- @R1aEnKK made their first contribution in #4570
- @sauryniu made their first contribution in #4490
- @Nanosk07 made their first contribution in #4514
- @studyzy made their first contribution in #4443
- @wangshiben made their first contribution in #4397
- @xujb977644703 made their first contribution in #4559
Full Changelog: tools/goctl/
✨ Highlights
- Added inbound HTTP to outbound HTTP in gateway, previously only inbound HTTP to outbound gRPC
- Introduced automatic config validation
- Added FreeBSD support
- Enhanced logging capabilities with new Debugfn and Infofn functions
- Added SQL metrics functionality
- Added Redis user authentication support
🚀 Features
- Support for HTTP to HTTP in gateway
- Automatic configuration validation
- FreeBSD platform support
- New SQL metrics functionality
- Added Debugfn and Infofn to logx/logc
- Redis authentication with new User property in RedisConf
- Improved metrics collection for MySQL
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Resolved etcd discovery mechanism on gRPC with idle manager on latest gRPC versions
- Fixed health check issues, returns OK before server finishing start
- Fixed httpx.ParseJsonBody error with []byte fields
- Fixed empty form values handling in HTTP requests
🧹 Chores & Optimizations
- Updated Go version
- Multiple dependency updates:
- to v0.9.0
- to v0.29.0
- to v1.36.4
- to v0.34.0
- to v1.17.2
- Optimized error messages for mapping data method
- Enhanced logging system with more tests
🎉 New Contributors
Welcome to our new contributors who helped make this release possible:
- @R1aEnKK made their first contribution in #4570
- @sauryniu made their first contribution in #4490
- @Nanosk07 made their first contribution in #4514
- @studyzy made their first contribution in #4443
- @wangshiben made their first contribution in #4397
- @xujb977644703 made their first contribution in #4559
Full Changelog: v1.7.6...v1.8.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: tools/goctl/
What's Changed
- feat: support form array in three notations by @kevwan in #4498
- feat: add ShutdownConf to make shutdown time configurable by @WqyJh in #4446
- fix: service group not working well when callback takes long time by @kevwan in #4531
- fix: go work duplicate prefix get error by @godLei6 in #4487
- fix: SetSlowThreshold not effective in function
by @wwwangxc in #4511 - fix: DetailedLog format. by @r27153733 in #4467
New Contributors
- @lascyb made their first contribution in #4495
- @godLei6 made their first contribution in #4487
- @wwwangxc made their first contribution in #4511
- @r27153733 made their first contribution in #4467
Full Changelog: v1.7.4...v1.7.5
What's Changed
- fix: ts request cli by @metaRobin in #4461
- fix: go work duplicate prefix get error by @godLei6 in #4487
- fix: api timeout limited during api generation by @kesonan in #4513
- fix command
goctl bug
invalid by @kesonan in #4520 - improve: update docker.tpl by @lascyb in #4495
- improve: remove string restriction on atserver by @kesonan in #4499
- chore: format Dockerfile template by @kevwan in #4496
New Contributors
- @metaRobin made their first contribution in #4461
- @lascyb made their first contribution in #4495
- @godLei6 made their first contribution in #4487
- @wwwangxc made their first contribution in #4511
- @r27153733 made their first contribution in #4467
Full Changelog: tools/goctl/
What's Changed
- feat: support query array with httpx.Parse by @kevwan in #4440
- feat: support using json array directly in HTTP request body with httpx.Parse by @kevwan in #4444
New Contributors
- @metaRobin made their first contribution in #4461
Full Changelog: v1.7.3...v1.7.4