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HTTP Request Context

npm package

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Set and Get request-scoped context anywhere.


Nodejs version >= 8.2.0

This module uses the newer async_hooks API which is considered Experimental by Nodejs.


Option Description Type Default
interval remove expired callstack interval(s) Number 10
expire callstack expire time(s) Number 150
removeAfterFinish remove callstack after http.ServerResponse finish Boolean false
removeAfterClose remove callstack after http.ServerResponse close Boolean false


Remove expired callstack interval, used like setInterval(removeExpiredCallstack, interval).


Callstack expire time, must be longer than full lifecycle of a request.


It will actively remove the relevant callstack after http.ServerResponse finish.

If set to true, you can get the context synchronously in the finish event, but not asynchronous. The benefit is that it can improve the performance of this middleware.


This is very similar to options.removeAfterFinish, the difference is that after the close event.

Please Note! if set to true, in some cases, the close event may be caused by the client terminating the request, after the close event, we may still use the context after the incomplete asynchronous operation is completed, this will result in loss of context.

Init Middleware

This module is recommend as a "top-level" middleware for ensure all context can be tracked

  • httpRequestContext.middleware(options) Init Express middleware.
  • httpRequestContext.koaMiddleware(options) Init Koa middleware.

Set Context

  • httpRequestContext.set(key, value) Set context anywhere.
  • httpRequestContext.set({ key: value }) This is also OK.

Get Context

  • httpRequestContext.get(key) Get the [key] attribute of the context.
  • httpRequestContext.get() Gets an object containing all context properties.

How to Use

see example here.


npm install http-request-context --save



import httpRequestContext from 'http-request-context'


Set Context

import httpRequestContext from 'http-request-context'

// set context by key-value
app.use((req, res, next) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    httpRequestContext.set('foo', 'bar')
  }, 100)

Get Context

import httpRequestContext from 'http-request-context'

httpRequestContext.get('foo') // 'bar'



import httpRequestContext from 'http-request-context'


Set Context

import httpRequestContext from 'http-request-context'

// set context by key-value
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  await new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      httpRequestContext.set('user', 'user')
    }, 300)
  await next()
Get Context
import httpRequestContext from 'http-request-context'

httpRequestContext.get('foo') // 'bar'

Lost Context Tips

http.ServerResponse close event

Sometimes, when client terminate request by close window or reload page, it will cause http.ServerResponse emit 'close' event, this event is trigger by root, so it break away from current request scope, in this case, we can add res(express) or ctx.res(koa) parameter to get context function to ensure context can be tracked, as follows:

// Express
res.on('close', () => {
  console.log('close', httpRequestContext.get('foo', res))

// Koa
ctx.res.on('close', () => {
  console.log('close', httpRequestContext.get('foo', ctx.res))


If you init mysql connect before http server start, you may get context undefined in mysql query callback scope.

googleapis/cloud-trace-nodejs #946

nodejs/node #22360

mysqlConnection.query('SELECT * FROM table', (error, results, fields) => {
  httpRequestContext.get('foo') // undefined

You can use util.promisify to avoid it.

util.promisify(mysqlConnection.query).bind(mysqlConnection)('SELECT * FROM table')
  .then((results, fields) => {
    httpRequestContext.get('foo') // 'bar'
  .catch(error => {})


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