Created by Dev Zinzuvadia for Robot Software Engineer Intern - Coding Round
- Navigate to the workspace:
cd /path/to/your/workspace
- Build your workspace:
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
- Launching the robot in RViz:
ros2 launch bot_description
After launching the robot in rviz the robot should look like this
For visualizing the robot with Gazebo in a demo world, use the following command:
ros2 launch bot_world my_robot_gazebo.launch.xml
The Robot should look like this after launching the world in gazebo
- Ensure that the /cmd_vel topic is active:
ros2 topic list
- After confirming the presence of /cmd_vel, use the following command to navigate the robot in the environment:
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
Launch the Gazebo world using the steps mentioned above. Navigate to the bot_control directory:
cd src/bot_control/bot_control
Run the script to visualize the filtered readings in RViz:
When using RViz, make sure to add the following important displays:
Camera Filtered Scan (will appear as /scan but with the topic name of /filtered_scan)