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A PostCSS plugin to define, transform, and manage custom or existing CSS units with ease.


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PostCSS Better Units

NPM latest version

A PostCSS plugin to define, transform, and manage custom or existing CSS units with ease.

Getting started

Install package:

pnpm add -D postcss-better-units

Note: You also need the postcss package installed.

Configure PostCSS to use plugin. For example with postcss.congig.ts file:

import type { Config } from 'postcss-load-config'
import betterUnits from 'postcss-better-units'

export default {
  plugins: [
      fromUnit: 'rpx',
      transform: value => `${value / 16}rem`,
} satisfies Config

That's it! The configuration above will transform rpx units to rem in a 1/16 ratio:

div {
  width: 16rpx;
  height: 5rpx;
/* becomes */
div {
  width: 1rem;
  height: 0.3125rpx;


The plugin accepts an array of objects. Each object describes a unit transformation:

Property Type Description
fromUnit* string Unit to transform from.
transform* (number) => string Transformer function.
toUnit string Unit to transform into. This optional shorthand may be used instead of transform.
toCssVar --${string} CSS variable to transform into. This optional shorthand may be used instead of transform
preserve boolean, 'before', 'after' Whether the original value should be preserved. true means 'after'.
exclude RegExp, (string, Declaration) => boolean RegExp or function to exclude declarations from transfomation.

Note: One (and only one) of transform, toUnit or toCssVar should be defined.

{ toUnit: '<TO_UNIT>' }
// equivalent:
{ transform: value => `${value}<TO_UNIT>` }
{ toCssVar: '<TO_CSS_VAR>' }
// equivalent:
{ transform: value => `calc(${value} * var(<TO_CSS_VAR>))` }


Here are some simple examples to board you in. You also may check our tests to find more insights.

Unit to unit

Imagine you want to use these new awesome units like dvh. But browser support is still limited. In such cases, fallback to less awesome units like vh may be needed:

  fromUnit: 'dvh',
  toUnit: 'vh',
  preserve: 'after',
main {
  min-height: 100dvh;
/* becomes */
main {
  min-height: 100vh;
  min-height: 100dvh;

Unit to CSS variable

Let's take the example above further. In some cases, a fallback isn't sufficient, and you might use a JavaScript polyfill to make these dvh units work everywhere. Typically, polyfills set a CSS variable that can be used as the desired unit:

  fromUnit: 'dvh',
  toCssVar: '--dvh',
  preserve: 'after',
main {
  min-height: 100dvh;
/* becomes */
main {
  min-height: calc(100 * var(--dvh));
  min-height: 100dvh;

If you are interested in such polyfill, check out this project for inspiration.

Variable units

There is CSS draft for a syntax sugar called variable units. You can use it right now:

  fromUnit: '--fem',
  toCssVar: '--fem',
.fluid-type {
  font-size: 1.2--fem;
/* becomes */
.fluid-type {
  min-height: calc(1.2 * var(--fem));


Feel free to request features or report bugs, even if project seems abandoned. Feedback is always appreciated.


A PostCSS plugin to define, transform, and manage custom or existing CSS units with ease.







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