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John Mertz edited this page Oct 8, 2024 · 1 revision


Please contact MailCleaner sales to get a trial license.

When this is done, you will receive an activation email from ESET with the subject "Invitation to ESET MSP Administrator". You will also receive a 9 character license key (format: XXX-XXX-XXX) from our sales team. You need to have that key and complete the registration process from the ESET email before proceeding.

During the creation of the ESET MSP account, take note of your password, you will need it in a moment.

To install, run:

/usr/mailcleaner/install/ --eset

When requested, provide your ESET MSP username (email address) and your 9 character key. Note that this step will validate that the username and key are formatted correctly, but verification that they are valid will not come until the end.

If you an error, such as:

ESET Server Security Error: Cannot localize text (Cannot connect to ${Addr}: ${Reason}:${Addr}=Confd|#{Reason}=336592934)

occurs, then run:

apt-get install -f

and run the installation script again with '--reinstall' as the second option:

/usr/mailcleaner/install/ --eset --reinstall

Otherwise, you will be asked to provide your password. This is the password for your ESET MSP account. Activation will take a moment.

Note that some other system packages may have been updated during this installation. You will probably want to do a supervised restart as soon as is practical.

Disable (and Remove)

If you no longer wish to use ESET, you can remove it as follows.

First, disable it as a virus scanner on the master host:

echo 'delete from antivirus where scanners = "esetsefs";' | mc_mysql -m mc_config
echo 'update scanner set active = 0 where name = "esetsefs";' | mc_mysql -m mc_config

then restart MailScanner on each:

/usr/mailcleaner/etc/init.d/mailscanner restart

Next, if you would like to remove the package completely:

dpkg -r efs

Remove unnecessary files if they still exist:

rm -rf /opt/eset*

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