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Sigmund Granaas Sandring edited this page May 13, 2024 · 4 revisions


Forgero supports custom bows and arrow! Bows and arrows can be crafted using most materials and upgraded to enhance looks and attributes.


Forgero bows are craftable using all wood and metals available in the game. Bows have reinforcement, grip and dye upgrade slots which makes it possible to customise them to your liking. Reinforcement and grip upgrades will also improve the attributes of the bows. Different materials and schematics will enhance different attributes which affects different aspects of shooting arrows.

Available bow variants


  • Vanilla

    • identical to the vanilla bow
  • Longbow

    • Visual improvements
    • Lower draw speed
    • Higher draw power
  • Shortbow

    • Higher draw speed
    • Lower draw power
  • Refined - Improvements over vanilla

    • Visual improvements
    • Higher draw speed
    • Higher draw power
  • Mastercrafted - Improvements over vanilla

    • Visual improvements
    • Higher draw speed
    • Higher draw power


Available arrow variants

Arrows can be created from a handle/stick, feather and arrow heads. All materials can be used for the handle and arrow head.


  • Vanilla

    • identical to vanilla variants
  • Refined - Improvements over vanilla

    • Visual improvements
    • Higher attack damage
    • Higher weight
    • Lower recipe output
  • Mastercrafted - Improvements over refined

    • Visual improvements
    • Higher attack damage
    • Higher weight
    • Lower recipe output


The bow and arrows in Forgero differ from vanilla minecraft in a couple of ways.

  • Arrow weight makes it drop faster
  • Arrow damage is calculated by arrow damage and it's velocity
  • Stability can increase the accuracy of arrows
  • Bows have custom draw speeds
  • The draw power of the bow determines the velocity of the arrow, which makes the arrow fly further and faster
  • The weight of the bow also decreases draw speed

What does this mean? Arrows made from heavier materials will drop faster than vanilla. Metal arrows might not be feasible using the vanilla bow due to how fast the arrows will drop. Different material choices and upgrades can improve bow performance.

Crafting & upgrades

Both arrows and bows can be crafted from the ground up using schematics. The new schematics added by the bow module is the bow limb schematics and the arrow head schematics. They also have simple recipes to make it easier to craft the basic variants of arrows and bows.


To get started with wooden bows, you can craft a simple variant using this recipe simple_bow_recipe

Bow limbs can be crafted from 3 materials and a schematic like this: simple_bow_recipe_acacia

All bows can be crafted by combining string and bow limbs in the crafting table like this bow_recipe


To get started with arrows, you can either use the vanilla arrow, or use this recipe to create normal arrows from a wide range of materials. simple_arrow_recipe

To create a custom arrow head, you need a schematic and any tool materials. arrow_head_crafting

Mastercrafted, refined and vanilla arrows each have different yields when crafting from arrow heads. Any type of handle can be used as the arrow shaft. Vanilla arrow recipes using arrow heads yields 6x arrows while refined yields 4x and mastercrafted yields 2x. arrow_recipe


Only the bows have crafting slots at the moment, but we're going to implement arrows with upgradeable heads in the future.

bow_upgrade Vanilla, refined and mastercrafted bows all have the same upgrade slots, but the upgrades makes them look different. bow_upgrade_gold Upgrades with metals will increase the draw power, but decrease draw speed. Woods slightly increases draw power, but does not decrease draw speed.