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- How do we synchronize a static method to prevent data corruption in concurrent update ?
- How will you introduce multi-tasking in your java application ?
- What is purpose of a Future ? How will you use it ?
- How will you create your own custom Thread Pool ?
Q1 What is difference between user Thread and daemon Thread?
When we create a Thread in java program, it’s known as user thread. A daemon thread runs in background and doesn’t prevent JVM from terminating. When there are no user threads running, JVM shutdown the program and quits. A child thread created from daemon thread is also a daemon thread.
Q2 What is Thread Scheduler and Time Slicing?
Thread Scheduler is the Operating System service that allocates the CPU time to the available runnable threads. Once we create and start a thread, it’s execution depends on the implementation of Thread Scheduler. Time Slicing is the process to divide the available CPU time to the available runnable threads. Allocation of CPU time to threads can be based on thread priority or the thread waiting for longer time will get more priority in getting CPU time. Thread scheduling can’t be controlled by java, so it’s always better to control it from application itself.
Q3. What is context-switching in multi-threading?
Context Switching is the process of storing and restoring of CPU state so that Thread execution can be resumed from the same point at a later point of time. Context Switching is the essential feature for multitasking operating system and support for multi-threaded environment.
Q4 Why wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods have to be called from synchronized method or block?
When a Thread calls wait() on any Object, it must have the monitor on the Object that it will leave and goes in wait state until any other thread call notify() on this Object. Similarly when a thread calls notify() on any Object, it leaves the monitor on the Object and other waiting threads can get the monitor on the Object. Since all these methods require Thread to have the Object monitor, that can be achieved only by synchronization, they need to be called from synchronized method or block.
Q5 What is volatile keyword in Java?
hen we use volatile keyword with a variable, all the threads read it’s value directly from the memory and don’t cache it. This makes sure that the value read is the same as in the memory.
What is LiveLock Livelock occurs when all threads are blocked or are otherwise unable to proceed due to unavailability of required resources, and the non-existence of any unblocked thread to make those resources available. In terms of Java API, thread livelock can occur in following conditions: When all the threads in a program execute Object.wait(0) on an object with zero parameters. The program is live-locked and cannot proceed until one or more threads call Object.notify() or Object.notifyAll() on the relevant objects. Because all the threads are blocked, neither call can be made. When all the threads in a program are stuck in infinite loops.
What is Starvation Starvation describes a situation where a thread is unable to gain regular access to shared resources and is unable to make progress. This happens when shared resources are made unavailable for long periods of "greedy" threads. For example, suppose an object provides a synchronized method that often takes a long time to return. If one thread invokes this method frequently, other threads that also need frequently synchronized access to the same object will often be blocked. Starvation occurs when one thread cannot access the CPU because one or more other threads are monopolizing the CPU. In Java, thread starvation can be caused by setting thread priorities inappropriately. A lower-priority thread can be starved by higher-priority threads if the higher-priority threads do not yield control of the CPU from time to time.
ReentrantLock Vs Sysnchronization
Q1. Suppose we have a circular reference (two objects that reference each other). Could such pair of objects become eligible for garbage collection and why? Yes, a pair of objects with a circular reference can become eligible for garbage collection. This is because of how Java’s garbage collector handles circular references. It considers objects live not when they have any reference to them, but when they are reachable by navigating the object graph starting from some garbage collection root (a local variable of a live thread or a static field). If a pair of objects with a circular reference is not reachable from any root, it is considered eligible for garbage collection.
Q2. What is a StringBuilder and what are its use cases? What is the difference between appending a string to a StringBuilder and concatenating two strings with a + operator? How does StringBuilder differ from StringBuffer? StringBuilder allows manipulating character sequences by appending, deleting and inserting characters and strings. This is a mutable data structure, as opposed to the String class which is immutable.
When concatenating two String instances, a new object is created, and strings are copied. This could bring a huge garbage collector overhead if we need to create or modify a string in a loop. StringBuilder allows handling string manipulations much more efficiently.
StringBuffer is different from StringBuilder in that it is thread-safe. If you need to manipulate a string in a single thread, use StringBuilder instead.
. What is Read-Write Lock? Does ConcurrentHashMap in Java Uses The ReadWrite Lock? ReadWrite Lock is an implementation of lock stripping technique, where two separate locks are used for read and write operation. Since read operation doesn't modify the state of the object, it's safe to allow multiple thread access to a shared object for reading without locking, and by splitting one lock into read and write lock, you can easily do that.
Java provides an implementation of read-write lock in the form of ReentrantReadWritLock class in the java.util.concurrent.lock package. This is worth looking before you decide to write your own read-write locking implementation.
Also, the current implementation of java.util.ConcurrentHashMap doesn't use the ReadWriteLock, instead, it divides the Map into several segments and locks them separately using different locks. This means any given time, only a portion of the ConcurrentHashMap is locked, instead of the whole Map. See how ConcurrentHashMap internally works in Java for more detail.
This core Java question is also very popular on senior and more experienced level Java interviews e.g. 4 to 6 years, where you expect Interviewer to go into more detail, e.g. by asking you to provided an implementation of the read-write lock with different policies. If you are an experienced Java programmer, consider reading Java Concurrency in Practice to gain more confidence about multithreading and concurrency in Java.