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Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_Wippersnapper_Arduino

🧪 WipperSnapper Offline - 1.0.0-offline-beta.1

03 Mar 17:06
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This is the first release of the "WipperSnapper offline" firmware.

Important - This firmware is not able to connect to Adafruit IO (yet). It logs data locally to USB Serial or SD Card. If you'd like to use your development board with Adafruit IO, please use the latest WipperSnapper release.

Usage and Installation

Usage and installation information can be found on the Adafruit Learning System Guide

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.97 - Funhouse fix and Mini Sparkles

24 Jan 19:50
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WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.97

Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed

Bugs 🐛

The FunHouse board experienced a boot loop situation in release 96, so this is a quick hotfix release to resolve that issue.

Features 🛜

Just in case you missed it, we've added support for specifying more than one WiFi Network in your secrets file.

See this Adafruit-Playground note for details. (Please help us by reporting issues, post in the forum or use the Feedback link)

🆕🆕🆕 New Board 🌈🦄 Sparkle Motion Mini 🆕🆕🆕

If you're temporarily waiting for your truckload of LEDs to arrive before putting W.LED on your Sparkle Motion Mini, then why not stick some sensors you've got lying around on the internet and use them to control the onboard NeoPixel for kicks!
Pickup your Adafruit Mini Sparkle Motion here 🛒

⚠️Warning⚠️ macOS users: if you have issues with using the web installer / esptool, you probably need to go and install the CH34X driver and then double check you've enabled it in driver extensions if OSX 13 or above. See here:


Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.96...1.0.0-beta.97

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.96

23 Jan 22:51
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WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.96

Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed


Just in case you missed it, we've added support for specifying more than one WiFi Network in your secrets file.

See this Adafruit-Playground note for details. (Please help us by reporting issues, post in the forum or use the Feedback link)

🆕🆕🆕 New Board 🌈🦄 Sparkle Motion Mini 🆕🆕🆕

If you're temporarily waiting for your truckload of LEDs to arrive before putting W.LED on your Sparkle Motion Mini, then why not stick some sensors you've got lying around on the internet and use them to control the onboard NeoPixel for kicks!
Pickup your Adafruit Mini Sparkle Motion here 🛒

Warning macOS users: There are reports of issues using esptool, try to find a windows computer until the esptool is fixed or keep retrying using bootloader mode (hold boot button while resetting/replugging device) combined with the --no-stub option for esptool. --no-stub chip_id


  • Swap staging root certificate to ISRG Root X1 by @tyeth in #682

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.95...1.0.0-beta.96

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.95

14 Jan 19:51
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WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.95

Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed


Just in case you missed it, we've added support for specifying more than one WiFi Network in your secrets file.

See this Adafruit-Playground note for details.

New Components 🆕🆕🆕

You can use your Adafruit SEN54 or SEN55 Adapter Breakout - STEMMA QT / Qwiic 🛒 and JST-GHR 6pin cable to connect to the brand new Sensirion SEN6x Family of Air Quality Sensors (Supports SEN60, SEN63C, SEN65, SEN66, SEN68).
Pickup an evaluation kit for the SEN66 from Digikey (or preorder the raw sensor units).



New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.94...1.0.0-beta.95

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.94

21 Dec 02:48
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WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.94

Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed


Just in case you missed it, we've added support for specifying more than one WiFi Network in your secrets file.

See this Adafruit-Playground note for details.

New Board Added 🆕🆕🆕 - Raspberry Pi RP2350 Pico 2W 🛒

New Components


  • bme68x pressure units by @mikeysklar in #665
  • Update ConfigJson.cpp - set default password to blank and ssid to unset-ssid by @tyeth in #662
  • Fix USB-MSC not re-attaching by @brentru in #667
  • Stop blinding status lights by @tyeth in #668
  • RP2040 WDT=8.3secs - enable after wifi connect by @tyeth in #670
  • USB Reattach fixes + Specify reset time remaining + secrets != 0xFF by @tyeth in #672
  • Always print scanned wifi networks by @tyeth in #661


  • Check NanoPB failures and restore cache if needed by @tyeth in #674

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.93...1.0.0-beta.94

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.93

15 Nov 20:41
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WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.93

Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed


Just in case you missed it, we've added support for specifying more than one WiFi Network in your secrets file.

See this Adafruit-Playground note for details.

New Board Added 🆕🆕🆕 - Adafruit Metro ESP32-S3 🛒

New Components


  • Use analogReadMilliVolts for esp32 and update hysteresis by @tyeth in #635
  • Reduce connection errors on QT Py ESP32-Sx due to 3D Antennas by @brentru in #654


New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.92...1.0.0-beta.93

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.92

22 Oct 19:02
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WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.92

Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed


  • A bug has been fixed with the Adafruit Feather ESP32-C6 build (#636). This firmware version works with ESP32-C6.


Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.91...1.0.0-beta.92

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.91

21 Oct 15:55
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WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.91

Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed

Warning: Adafruit Feather ESP32-C6 has a problem in this release, which will be resolved soon (in the next release).

New Component Added - Adafruit HDC3021 and HDC3022 🌡️

The Adafruit HDC3022 Precision Temperature & Humidity Sensor breakout 🛒 features the highest accuracy & precision we’ve see so far! It has the TI HDC302x series chip with typical 0.5% accuracy for the RH sensor (with 0.19% long-term drift) and ±0.1°C typical accuracy for the temperature sensor


The FunHouse had a problem causing it to reboot repeatedly, which should now be resolved in this release.

  • fix funhouse build checking paths by @tyeth in #634
  • Add retry if data not ready for SCD30 by @tyeth in #632
  • Adjust SGP30 init to not call IAQinit unnecessarily by @tyeth in #600

Tooling changes

  • Update build action to build on adafruit/ci-arduino's new wippersnapper branch by @brentru in #633
  • Add merge to fix upload download artifact v4 by @tyeth in #642
  • Update Depreciated Workflow Action by @brentru in #631
  • 598 preprocessor script for printing the library versions to boot outtxt by @tyeth in #607
  • New pio build targets by @tyeth in #643
  • Set debug build of s3-rev-tft to no_ota by @tyeth in #645
  • Add skips + generates for S3 Rev TFT debug by @tyeth in #646

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.90...1.0.0-beta.91

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.90

12 Sep 18:30
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.89...1.0.0-beta.90

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.89

05 Sep 18:59
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Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed


Full Changelog: 1.0.0-alpha.89...1.0.0-beta.89