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WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.91

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@tyeth tyeth released this 21 Oct 15:55
· 163 commits to main since this release

WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.91

Installing WipperSnapper

Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.

Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper

Locate the device you want to upgrade on Then, click "Update".

What's Changed

Warning: Adafruit Feather ESP32-C6 has a problem in this release, which will be resolved soon (in the next release).

New Component Added - Adafruit HDC3021 and HDC3022 🌡️

The Adafruit HDC3022 Precision Temperature & Humidity Sensor breakout 🛒 features the highest accuracy & precision we’ve see so far! It has the TI HDC302x series chip with typical 0.5% accuracy for the RH sensor (with 0.19% long-term drift) and ±0.1°C typical accuracy for the temperature sensor


The FunHouse had a problem causing it to reboot repeatedly, which should now be resolved in this release.

  • fix funhouse build checking paths by @tyeth in #634
  • Add retry if data not ready for SCD30 by @tyeth in #632
  • Adjust SGP30 init to not call IAQinit unnecessarily by @tyeth in #600

Tooling changes

  • Update build action to build on adafruit/ci-arduino's new wippersnapper branch by @brentru in #633
  • Add merge to fix upload download artifact v4 by @tyeth in #642
  • Update Depreciated Workflow Action by @brentru in #631
  • 598 preprocessor script for printing the library versions to boot outtxt by @tyeth in #607
  • New pio build targets by @tyeth in #643
  • Set debug build of s3-rev-tft to no_ota by @tyeth in #645
  • Add skips + generates for S3 Rev TFT debug by @tyeth in #646

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.90...1.0.0-beta.91