A programmatic robot-fighting game, heavily inspired by Robot Game. As of the time of this writing, it isn't online yet, but it will be at GobotGame.com (hopefully) soon.
Shit. I can connect with a token, but the lookups fail. Debugging... -Ross
To the previous update: Woot! -Brandon
I'm back! -Ross
Unfortunately didn't do any drunk committing last night (as you may be able to tell), though karaoke was a good time. Did a bit more database stuff, and getting GopherJS ready to do some stuff with replays so people can view games. Still to be done: adding rounds to a replay. -Brandon
Couple of tweaks to the datastore to make the connect RPC not kill the server.
Once lookupAIToken
is implemented, we'll be in business. -Ross
I've been sitting in this cafe for approximately five hours. This push will contain such goodies as GitHub OAuth integration, secure cookies, working user storage to a local key/value DB, and various other pleasantries and whatnot. However, I'm getting fidgety and Korean Karaoke is imminent. Expect my next commits to look more like #CommitsFromLastNight #BallmerPeak #IDon'tEvenHaveATwitter #I'mTheWorst #IHopeIEscapedTheseHashtagsProperly -Brandon
First attempt at connecting server to client! RPC took place, but it crashed because the datastore variable is nil. RPCs are happening! -Ross
Wrote a bad AI and I feel bad. -Ross
That's more like it. After a good night's sleep and looking at the code base
with a fresh set of eyes (and some more instruction), I'm back on the
productivity train, and a lot of the game logic is implemented. I also hit
295x7 for DL, which is a PR and felt pretty sweet.
Oh, and I'm caffeinated as all hell, which is probably helping move things
Fearing that my colleague may be hopelessly lost and confused by my "Commits
from Last Night", I added in the basic matchmaking structure in match.go. While
incomplete, it handles the parts that require the most Cap'n Proto knowledge:
the connection setup etc. Now you can start an aiEndpoint
on a socket and
just start querying for online AIs. Once you want to run a match, call
and it will block until the match completes. There are still TODOs,
but my travel schedule dictates I must leave them to you. Good luck, comrade!
I fear that my only contribution for the night will be these README updates. My
mind has turned to mush trying to separate wire formats from easyai formats
from engine formats from storage formats. These are not the awful development
practices that I have come to know and love, this is some serious software
engineering. I spun my wheels first on trying to figure out what was going on
so I could implement the game logic, then when that failed, I spun my wheels
trying to implement the other end of the client-server stream. I'm not actually
sure which one is the server and which one is the client, especially because
Cap'n Proto throws in a ServerToClient
method to make sure that I'm royally
confused. I resolved to work on the frontend UI, for showing robots fighting,
but then I didn't even know which of our four formats should be used with
GopherJS. I'll look at this with a fresh set of eyes tomorrow after hopefully
setting a deadlift PR in the morning and eating a hearty breakfast at my
favorite café. -Brandon
Dinner took longer than I expected, mainly because dinner turned into drinks, and we all know how that goes. In any case, I'm back at the wheel again, and I've spent the past 20 minutes looking over Ross's progress, which might as well be written in Brainfuck, because my feeble, non Cap'n Proto-oriented mind can't make heads or tails of it. More research is required. -Brandon
Done for the night. Added a tested ToWire
method to engine.Board
Converting to storage needs should be similarly trivial. Added test
infrastructure for the engine.Board.Update
method, so when the game logic
actually gets implemented, it's easy to test for correctness. Not sure exactly
what to do for preserving turns as a basis, but I presume that it would be easy
to write a function of (Replay, Round) -> Replay
. It would probably be good to
add a engine.FromWire
function too. G'night. -Ross
Created an engine package. I figure we write the logic here where mutating is easier to do in structs, and then bake out for storage or wire transfer. -Ross
Basic API schema and database interface, along with an idiomatic client wrapper for writing bots. Still not sure what the main server loop is going to look like (or storage), but API first, implement later right? -Ross
Ross has entered the arena. Also, it looks like Robot Game expired (or something) literally between the Gala starting and now. This is very strange. -Brandon
Okay, I've done some stuff. I decided that I'm going to go with Protobufs and gRPC (sorry Ross) for the data model and server communication things, but virtually nothing useful exists yet. I was strongly considering Cap'n Proto, but it ended up looking far too daunting to pick up in a few minutes, so I'm sticking with what I (almost kinda) know. I'm not sleep-deprived or utterly useless yet, so might as well get some productive work in bootstrapping the application. -Brandon