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Carl Smith edited this page Feb 26, 2025 · 7 revisions

System preferences for a given system are stored in /preferences/preferences.json and are exported and imported as part of a system snapshot

They are divided into web and server blocks, which refer to the web app (front-end) and server respectively.

The available properties are as follows (almost are optional, as the system has fallback defaults for most of them, specified below):


  • thumbnailMaxWidth: the maximum width (in pixels) of thumbnails that are generated for images uploaded with the File Upload endpoint. (Default 300)
  • thumbnailMaxHeight: Same as thumbnailMaxWidth, but for thumbnail height.
  • actionSchedule: A schedule for how often scheduled actions should run, expressed as a node-schedule recurrence rule. (Default: every hour on the hour)
  • SMTPConfig: Configuration options for sending emails from the system using the sendNotification action, with the following properties:
      host: string
      port: number
      secure: boolean
      user: string
      defaultFromName: string // Can be over-ridden for specific actions
      defaultFromEmail: string // Can be over-ridden for specific actions
    The default is no configuration -- no emails will be sent.
    Note: the password is not stored here, for security reasons. It must be passed in to the server as and environment variable: SMTP_PASSWORD. This should be in an .env file for development, or as part of the server start-up command for a live server.
  • systemManagerPermissionName: The "system manager" is a special permission that has certain system management rights (but not as extensive as "Admin"). Any existing permission name can be used for this special permission, in which case it should be specified here. (Default: systemManager)
  • managerCanEditLookupTables: If true, then users with the above management permission are also allowed to view/edit lookup tables. (Default: true)
  • managerCanEditLocalisation: Same as managerCanEditLookupTables but for managing localisation configuration.
  • previewDocsMinKeepTime: Documents generated as part of the Preview functionality will be periodically cleaned up, as they have no lasting use. It should be a Postgres duration string. (Default: "2 hours").
  • fileCleanupSchedule: The schedule for cleaning up (deleting) and missing files, orphan file database records, and files marked as "to be deleted" (e.g Preview docs), as per the node-schedule syntax above. (Default: daily at 1:05am UTC)
  • backupSchedule: How often system backups should run, as per the node-schedule syntax above. (Default: daily at 1:15am UTC)
  • backupFilePrefix: System backups are saved with the name format, e.g. (Default: "conforma_backup")
  • skipBackup: If true, don't run scheduled backups at all
  • maxBackupDurationDays: Backups are kept for this many days, after which they're deleted next time the backup schedule runs. The default is nothing -- all backups will be kept.
  • testingEmail: During development and on a testing server, we don't want emails being sent to real people. If this property is set, and the site is not running on the designated host (as defined in siteHost below), then all emails will be send to this address instead. (If no testingEmail is specified, no emails will be sent at all)
  • emailTestMode: Can be set to false to override the testingEmail behaviour -- i.e. emails will be sent to live recipients regardless of which host it's running on. (Default: true)
  • archiveSchedule: Schedule for archiving system files, as per the node-schedule syntax above. (Default: twice per week on Weds/Sun at 1:10am UTC)
  • archiveMinSize: Archive-able files much reach a total size of at least this value (in MB), otherwise archiving will be skipped. (Default: 100)
  • archiveFileAgeMinimum: The number of days old a file needs to be before it is archived. (Default: 7)
  • locale: The BCP 47 locale string used for displaying date/times (in the console). See the Luxon documentation for more explanation. (Default: "en-US" probably, may depend on host system.) Note that this is distinct from the "locale" value stored in localisations, which affects how dates, etc. appear in the front end.
  • timezone: The for displaying date/times as well as for the event schedulers (above). See here for a full list of available timezone codes. (Default: host system timezone)
  • logoutAfterInactivity: The front-end will be logged out automatically if user is idle for longer than this (in minutes). The server will also not accept any JWTs older than this. (Default: 60)
    If set to 0, auto logout will be disabled.
  • envVars: System environment variables can be made available to applicationData (so can be used in actions). However, we don't want to expose the entire environment state in this way, so only environment variables that are explicitly listed here (as an array of strings) will be passed through. These will be accessible at environmentData.env within the applicationData object.
  • maintenanceSite: When the server is put into "Maintenance" mode (by an Admin), users will be re-directed to this site. (Default:

Web app

  • paginationPresets: An array of integers representing options for the "number per page" dropdown on tables (Application list, Data views). (Default: [2, 5, 10, 20, 50])
  • paginationDefault: How many records to show in a table by default. (Default: 20)
  • defaultLanguageCode: If no language has been selected by the user yet, the system will default to this language. Must correspond to the code value specified in one of the active languages (in localisation) (No default, as we can't guarantee that any particular language will be active)
  • brandLogoFileId: To override the default Conforma logo on the Login page, specify the database fileId of the image file.
  • brandLogoOnDarkFileId: The same as above, but for the logo shown on the main header of the app.
  • footerLogoId: fileId of image to replace the default Footer logo. This should always be a Conforma logo -- only replace it for the colour scheme
  • footerText: Custom text can be displayed in the app Footer. It will be centered within the footer. Markdown supported.
  • defaultListFilters: In the Application List, these filter options will be initially enabled (though with no values selected). (Default: ['applicantDeadline', 'reviewers', 'reviewerAction', 'stage' ])
  • style: The web apps CSS styling can be over-ridden by targeting classes or ids here. Provide an object with the targets as keys and CSS definitions as the values. For example, to over-ride 3 particular ids:
    "#user-area": {
      "background-color": "#9c85c4"
    "#footer": {
      "background-color": "black"
      "#footer p": {
        "color": "#e1e1e1"
  • siteHost: The canonical host domain that the live version of the site will be served from. This is how the system can determine if it is a "live" or "testing" site -- by comparing this value against the current url. If not specified, the system will be treated like a "live" system regardless of where it's actually running.
  • googleAnalyticsId: The web app has support for Google Analytics tracking. If you want to use it, enter your Analytics ID here. Note: this requires siteHost to be set correctly -- analytics will only work when the browser URL matches this value (so we don't enable tracking on test or dev systems).
  • showDocumentModal: If true, will display documents (when clicked to view) in a modal overlay rather than opening in a new tab. Will fallback to global system preference.
  • helpLinks: Any links that should appear in the "Help" menu (along with "help docs" defined in the database). Should be an array of these objects:
      text: "Text to display in menu"
      link: ""
  • userRegistrationCode: By default, the template code of the user registration form is assumed to be "UserRegistration". This can be over-ridden here.
  • publicUrlMap: You may wish to provide more publicly accessible templates than just "UserRegistration" and "passwordReset", which are accessed at the urls /register and /reset-password respectively. Additional templates can be accessed at /application/new?type=<yourTemplateCode>, but it could be handy to offer simple root urls (e.g. /help, /apply). Pass in an object mapping the url to either:
    • the templateCode
    • an object with both code and urlQuery parameters (which will be passed through to the subsequent application), e.g.
  user-reg: "UserRegistration",
  test: {
    code: "demoRegistration",
    urlQuery: {
      dataFile: "accreditation.sqlite",
      selectVersion: true